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rbac – Yii没有给出有效的checkAccess结果

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-19
我正在学习Yii并且我正在尝试开发RBAC现在问题是我已经创建了角色等等通过 shell执行该脚本我有数据库表并且角色和所有内容都被填充.现在我不知道为什么但是 if(Yii::app()-user-checkAcc
我正在学习Yii并且我正在尝试开发RBAC现在问题是我已经创建了角色等等通过 shell执行该脚本我有数据库表并且角色和所有内容都被填充.现在我不知道为什么但是

        echo 'Admin';
    echo 'No Admin';



class RbacCommand extends CConsoleCommand
    private $_authManager;

   public function getHelp()
    {return <<<EOD
           This command generates an initial RBAC authorization hierarchy.

     * Execute the action.
     * @param array command line parameters specific for this command
    public function run($args)
        echo "SHELLLLLLLLLL.\n";
        //ensure that an authManager is defined as this is mandatory for creating an auth heirarchy
            echo "Error: an authorization manager, named 'authManager' 
must be configured to use this command.\n";
            echo "If you already added 'authManager' component in 
application configuration,\n";
            echo "please quit and re-enter the yiic shell.\n";
//provide the oportunity for the use to abort the request
        echo "This command will create three roles: Admin, Manager, and Reader and the following premissions:\n";
        echo "create, read, update and delete Hotels\n";
        echo "create, read, update and delete Items\n";
        echo "create, read, update and delete Users\n";
        echo "create, read, update and delete Category\n";
        echo "Would you like to continue? [Yes|No] ";

//check the input from the user and continue if they indicated yes to the above question
            //first we need to remove all operations, roles, child relationship and assignments
            //create the lowest level operations for users
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("createUser","create a new user"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("readUser","read user profile information"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("updateUser","update a users information"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("deleteUser","remove a user from a Hotel"); 
             ////create the lowest level operations for projects
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("createHotel","create a new Hotel"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("readHotel","read Hotel information"); 
              $this->_authManager->createOperation("updateHotel","update Hotel information"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("deleteHotel","delete a Hotel"); 
            ////create the lowest level operations for Category
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("createCategory","create a new Item"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("readCategory","read Item information"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("updateCategory","update Item information"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("deleteCategory","delete an Item from a Hotel");      
            ////create the lowest level operations for issues
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("createItem","create a new Item"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("readItem","read Item information"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("updateItem","update Item information"); 
             $this->_authManager->createOperation("deleteItem","delete an Item from a Category");     
             ////create the reader role and add the appropriate permissions as children to this role

             ////create the member role, and add the appropriate permissions, as well as the reader role itself, as children



             ////create the owner role, and add the appropriate permissions, as well as both the reader and member roles as children

            echo 'Making Afnan admin';
            echo 'Making Riaz Manager';            
            echo 'Sucess';
             //provide a message indicating success
             echo "Authorization hierarchy successfully generated.";