Error: The type ‘A’ cannot be mapped as defined because it maps
inherited properties from types that use entity splitting or another
form of inheritance. Either choose a different inheritance mapping
strategy so as to not map inherited properties, or change all types in
the hierarchy to map inherited properties and to not use splitting.
public abstract class BaseEntityTest public abstract class BaseEntityTest2 : BaseEntityTest public abstract class BaseEntityTest3 : BaseEntityTest2 public class A: BaseEntityTest3 // this class is the only one with a table in the db
modelBuilder.Entity<A>().Map(m => { m.MapInheritedProperties(); m.ToTable("A"); });
public abstract class BaseEntityTest { [Key] public Guid Id { get; set; } public String Info { get; set; } [Required] public DateTime CreationDate { get; set; } [Required] public String CreationUser { get; set; } [Required] public DateTime ModificationDate { get; set; } [Required] public String ModificationUser { get; set; } [ConcurrencyCheck] [Required] public int LockVersion { get; internal set; } } public abstract class BaseEntityTest2 : BaseEntityTest { [Required] public string Name { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } public abstract class BaseEntityTest3: BaseEntityTest2 { [Required] public DateTime FromDate { get; set; } public DateTime ThruDate { get; set; } } public class A: BaseEntityTest3{ public String Test { get; set; } }EF 4.3.1及更早版本发生错误,但EF 4.4和EF 5.0不发生错误. (EF 4.4实际上是EF 5.0,但是以.NET 4.0作为目标平台.)
public DbSet<BaseEntityTestX> BaseEntityTestXs { get; set; }
>或者你有一些针对BaseEntityTestX的Fluent映射,一些是modelBuilder.Entity< BaseEntityTestX>()……的东西
具有DbSet< BaseEntityTestX>在你的上下文中只有在你真的想要查询其中一个抽象实体时才有意义,例如:
List<BaseEntityTest> list = context.BaseEntityTests .Where(b => b.Info == "abc").ToList();
List<A> list = context.As .Where(b => b.Info == "abc").ToList();
在后一种情况下,您不需要为抽象基类使用DbSet,也不需要任何继承映射.你可以删除DbSet< BaseEntityTestX>从您的上下文类中删除TPC映射,您的错误将消失.
最后一点 – 具有导航属性到另一个实体中的一个抽象实体 – 对于TPC映射没有意义.它只是不能映射到关系数据库,因为使用TPC映射时,抽象实体没有表,因此外键关系可以从具有navigation属性的具体类的表中引用.
modelBuilder.Entity<BaseEntityTestX>().Map(m => { m.MapInheritedProperties(); m.ToTable("BaseEntityTestX"); });