xyz corp,制作操作系统,没有测试,赚了5000万美元
123 corp,制作操作系统,做测试,赚1亿美元
不久前微软委托 this internal study.它比较了使用和不使用TDD的团队.引用摘要:Based on the findings of the existing studies, it can be concluded that TDD seems to improve software quality, especially when employed in an industrial context. The findings were not so obvious in the semiindustrial or academic context, but none of those studies reported on decreased quality either. The productivity effects of TDD were not very obvious, and the results vary regardless of the context of the study. However, there were indications that TDD does not necessarily decrease the developer productivity or extend the project leadtimes: In some cases, significant productivity improvements were achieved with TDD while only two out of thirteen studies reported on decreased productivity. However, in both of those studies the quality was improved.