我在两个分层的CONNECT BY查询中找到了使用UNION ALL的Oracle解决方案,一个获取祖先,另一个获取子项. 我想为DB2和SQL Server实现相同的功能. 我知道它可以是层次结构上的根,分支或叶子的一个
我想为DB2和SQL Server实现相同的功能.
假设我有itemid =’item3’和class =’我的班级’,我需要找到它的祖先和孩子,我想出来:
with ancestor (class, itemid, parent, base, depth) as ( select root.class, root.itemid, root.parent, root.itemid, 0 from item root where root.class = 'myclass' and root.itemid = 'item3' -- union all -- select child.class, child.itemid, child.parent, root.base, root.depth+1 -- from ancestor root, item child -- where child.class = root.class -- and child.parent = root.itemid union all select parent.class, parent.itemid, parent.parent, parent.itemid, root.depth-1 from ancestor root, item parent where parent.class = root.class and parent.itemid = root.parent ) select distinct class, itemid, parent, base, depth from ancestor order by class, base, depth asc, itemid
class itemid parent base depth myclass item1 null item3 -2 myclass item2 item1 item3 -1 myclass item3 item2 item3 0 myclass item4 item3 item3 1 myclass item5 item5 item3 2
DECLARE @item TABLE ( class VARCHAR(32) , itemid VARCHAR(32) , parent VARCHAR(32) ) INSERT INTO @item VALUES ('myclass', 'item1', null) , ('myclass', 'item2', 'item1') , ('myclass', 'item3', 'item2') , ('myclass', 'item4', 'item3') , ('myclass', 'item5', 'item4')
;WITH children AS ( SELECT class , itemid , parent , base = itemid , depth = 0 FROM @item WHERE class = 'myclass' AND itemid = 'item3' UNION ALL SELECT children.class , i.itemid , i.parent , children.base , children.depth + 1 FROM children INNER JOIN @item i ON i.parent = children.itemid AND i.class = children.class ) , parents AS ( SELECT * FROM children WHERE depth = 0 UNION ALL SELECT parents.class , i.itemid , i.parent , parents.base , parents.depth - 1 FROM parents INNER JOIN @item i ON i.itemid = parents.parent AND i.class = parents.class ) SELECT * FROM children UNION SELECT * FROM parents ORDER BY depth