我们在Amazon EC2上使用PostgreSQL版本9.4数据库.我们所有的查询在第一次尝试时都运行速度非常慢,直到它被缓存之后它们非常快,但它不是调解因为它减慢了页面加载速度. 在我们使用的其中
SELECT HE.fs_perm_sec_id, HE.TICKER_EXCHANGE, HE.proper_name, OP.shares_outstanding, (SELECT factset_industry_desc FROM factset_industry_map AS fim WHERE fim.factset_industry_code = HES.industry_code) AS industry, (SELECT SUM(POSITION) AS ST_HOLDINGS FROM OWN_STAKES_HOLDINGS S WHERE S.POSITION > 0 AND S.fs_perm_sec_id = HE.fs_perm_sec_id GROUP BY FS_PERM_SEC_ID) AS stake_holdings, (SELECT SUM(CURRENT_HOLDINGS) FROM (SELECT CURRENT_HOLDINGS FROM OWN_INST_HOLDINGS IHT WHERE FS_PERM_SEC_ID=HE.FS_PERM_SEC_ID ORDER BY CURRENT_HOLDINGS DESC LIMIT 10)A) AS top_10_inst_hodings, (SELECT SUM(OIH.current_holdings) FROM own_inst_holdings OIH WHERE OIH.fs_perm_sec_id = HE.fs_perm_sec_id) AS inst_holdings FROM own_prices OP JOIN h_security_ticker_exchange HE ON OP.fs_perm_sec_id = HE.fs_perm_sec_id JOIN h_entity_sector HES ON HES.factset_entity_id = HE.factset_entity_id WHERE HE.ticker_exchange = 'PG-NYS' ORDER BY OP.price_date DESC LIMIT 1
QUERY PLAN Limit (cost=223.39..223.39 rows=1 width=100) (actual time=2420.644..2420.645 rows=1 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=223.39..223.39 rows=1 width=100) (actual time=2420.643..2420.643 rows=1 loops=1) Sort Key: op.price_date Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB -> Nested Loop (cost=0.26..223.39 rows=1 width=100) (actual time=2316.169..2420.566 rows=36 loops=1) -> Nested Loop (cost=0.17..8.87 rows=1 width=104) (actual time=3.958..5.084 rows=36 loops=1) -> Index Scan using h_sec_exch_factset_entity_id_idx on h_security_ticker_exchange he (cost=0.09..4.09 rows=1 width=92) (actual time=1.452..1.454 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: ((ticker_exchange)::text = 'PG-NYS'::text) -> Index Scan using alex_prices on own_prices op (cost=0.09..4.68 rows=33 width=23) (actual time=2.496..3.592 rows=36 loops=1) Index Cond: ((fs_perm_sec_id)::text = (he.fs_perm_sec_id)::text) -> Index Scan using alex_factset_entity_idx on h_entity_sector hes (cost=0.09..4.09 rows=1 width=14) (actual time=0.076..0.077 rows=1 loops=36) Index Cond: (factset_entity_id = he.factset_entity_id) SubPlan 1 -> Index Only Scan using alex_factset_industry_code_idx on factset_industry_map fim (cost=0.03..2.03 rows=1 width=20) (actual time=0.006..0.007 rows=1 loops=36) Index Cond: (factset_industry_code = hes.industry_code) Heap Fetches: 0 SubPlan 2 -> GroupAggregate (cost=0.08..2.18 rows=2 width=17) (actual time=0.735..0.735 rows=1 loops=36) Group Key: s.fs_perm_sec_id -> Index Only Scan using own_stakes_holdings_perm_position_idx on own_stakes_holdings s (cost=0.08..2.15 rows=14 width=17) (actual time=0.080..0.713 rows=39 loops=36) Index Cond: ((fs_perm_sec_id = (he.fs_perm_sec_id)::text) AND (\position\ > 0::numeric)) Heap Fetches: 1155 SubPlan 3 -> Aggregate (cost=11.25..11.26 rows=1 width=6) (actual time=0.166..0.166 rows=1 loops=36) -> Limit (cost=0.09..11.22 rows=10 width=6) (actual time=0.081..0.150 rows=10 loops=36) -> Index Only Scan Backward using alex_current_holdings_idx on own_inst_holdings iht (cost=0.09..194.87 rows=175 width=6) (actual time=0.080..0.147 rows=10 loops=36) Index Cond: (fs_perm_sec_id = (he.fs_perm_sec_id)::text) Heap Fetches: 288 SubPlan 4 -> Aggregate (cost=194.96..194.96 rows=1 width=6) (actual time=66.102..66.102 rows=1 loops=36) -> Index Only Scan using alex_current_holdings_idx on own_inst_holdings oih (cost=0.09..194.87 rows=175 width=6) (actual time=0.060..65.209 rows=2505 loops=36) Index Cond: (fs_perm_sec_id = (he.fs_perm_sec_id)::text) Heap Fetches: 33453 Planning time: 1.581 ms Execution time: 2420.830 ms
一旦我们为3个聚合禁用了SELECT SUM(),它就会大大加快,但它会破坏拥有关系数据库的程度.
带聚合的嵌套循环通常是一件坏事.以下应该避免这种情况. (未经测试; SQLFiddle会有所帮助.)给我一个旋转让我知道.我很好奇引擎如何使用窗口功能过滤器.WITH security AS ( SELECT HE.fs_perm_sec_id , HE.TICKER_EXCHANGE , HE.proper_name , OP.shares_outstanding , OP.price_date FROM own_prices AS OP JOIN h_security_ticker_exchange AS HE ON OP.fs_perm_sec_id = HE.fs_perm_sec_id JOIN h_entity_sector AS HES ON HES.factset_entity_id = HE.factset_entity_id WHERE HE.ticker_exchange = 'PG-NYS' ) SELECT SE.fs_perm_sec_id , SE.TICKER_EXCHANGE , SE.proper_name , SE.shares_outstanding , S.stake_holdings , IHT.top_10_inst_holdings , OIH.inst_holdings FROM security SE JOIN ( SELECT S.fs_perm_sec_id , SUM(S.POSITION) AS stake_holdings FROM OWN_STAKES_HOLDINGS AS S WHERE S.fs_perm_sec_id IN ( SELECT fs_perm_sec_id FROM security ) AND S.POSITION > 0 GROUP BY S.fs_perm_sec_id ) AS S ON SE.fs_perm_sec_id = S.fs_perm_sec_id JOIN ( SELECT IHT.FS_PERM_SEC_ID , SUM(IHT.CURRENT_HOLDINGS) AS top_10_inst_holdings FROM OWN_INST_HOLDINGS AS IHT WHERE IHT.FS_PERM_SEC_ID IN ( SELECT fs_perm_sec_id FROM security ) AND ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY IHT.FS_PERM_SEC_ID ORDER BY IHT.CURRENT_HOLDINGS DESC ) <= 10 GROUP BY IHT.FS_PERM_SEC_ID ) AS IHT ON SE.fs_perm_sec_id = IHT.fs_perm_sec_id JOIN ( SELECT S.fs_perm_sec_id , SUM(OIH.current_holdings) AS inst_holdings FROM own_inst_holdings AS OIH WHERE OIH.fs_perm_sec_id IN ( SELECT fs_perm_sec_id FROM security ) GROUP BY OIH.fs_perm_sec_id ) AS OIH ON SE.fs_perm_sec_id = OIH.fs_perm_sec_id ORDER BY SE.price_date LIMIT 1