到目前为止我已经搜索过,我知道有几种方法( 1, 2, 3, 4)到目前为止我使用了以下代码: Fv_calc(:,2) = arrayfun(@(n) MaxPositiveRoot2DegreePolynomial(QuadraticCoefficients(n,:)), 1:size(QuadraticCoefficients,1)); 其
Fv_calc(:,2) = arrayfun(@(n) MaxPositiveRoot2DegreePolynomial(QuadraticCoefficients(n,:)), 1:size(QuadraticCoefficients,1));
function root = MaxPositiveRoot2DegreePolynomial(c) d = c./c(1); root = eig([0 -d(3);1 -d(2)]); condition = root == abs(root); root = root(condition); if isempty(root) root = 0; end root = max(root); end
其中,QuadraticCoefficients是62271×3矩阵,每行包含一般二次方程的系数a,b,c. ax ^ 2 bx c
Fv_calc(:,2) = arrayfun(@(n) MaxPositiveRoot2DegreePolynomial(QuadraticCoefficients(n,:)), 1:size(QuadraticCoefficients,1));
这是一个完美的例子,它显示了你应该继续使用循环的地方.我想要的矢量化解决方案最终比你的循环方法慢.但它可能依赖于你的Matlab版本,因为我已经将Matlab R2015b与optimzed JIT-Compiler一起使用,在旧版本中,矢量化方法可能更快.
[n,~] = size(C); %// division d = bsxfun(@rdivide,C,C(:,1)); %// create blocks for eigen matrix block procession X = ( [zeros(n,1) ones(n,1) -d(:,3) -d(:,2)] ).'; %' Y = reshape(X,2,[]); %// use block processing to get eigenvalues of blocks rt = blockproc(Y,[2 2],@(x) eig(x.data) ).'; %' %// check if eigen values are real positives condition = rt == abs(rt); %// output filter out = rt(condition);
function [t] = bench() %// load your data DATA = load('matlab'); C = DATA.QuadraticCoefficients; % functions to compare fcns = { @() thewaywewalk(C); @() sepideh(C); }; % timeit t = zeros(2,1); for ii = 1:10; t = t + cellfun(@timeit, fcns); end end function out = thewaywewalk(C) %thewaywewalk [n,~] = size(C); d = bsxfun(@rdivide,C,C(:,1)); X = ( [zeros(n,1) ones(n,1) -d(:,3) -d(:,2)] ).'; %' Y = reshape(X,2,[]); rt = blockproc(Y,[2 2],@(x) eig(x.data) ).'; %' condition = rt == abs(rt); out = rt(condition); end function out = sepideh(C) %sepideh [n,~] = size(C); out = zeros(n,1); for ii = 1:n c = C(ii,:); d = c./c(1); rt = eig([0 -d(3);1 -d(2)]); condition = rt == abs(rt); rt = rt(condition); if isempty(rt) rt = 0; end rt = max(rt); out(ii) = rt; end end
ans = 12.2086 %// thewaywewalk 9.2176 %// sepideh