我在应用我的Puppet清单时收到此错误: Error: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle:(Exec[pip install requirements] = File[change venv permissions] = File[enforce MinGW compiler] = Exec[pip install requirem
Error: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle: (Exec[pip install requirements] => File[change venv permissions] => File[enforce MinGW compiler] => Exec[pip install requirements]) Try the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz
exec {'create virtualenv': command => "$install_dir/Scripts/virtualenv.exe venv", cwd => $project_dir, require => Exec['install virtualenv'], } file { "fix Mingw32CCompiler": path => "C:/Python27/Lib/distutils/cygwinccompiler.py", content => template($cygwinc_template), ensure => present, require => Exec['create virtualenv'], } file { "enforce MinGW compiler": path => "$project_dir/venv/Lib/distutils/distutils.cfg", owner => $user, content => $mingw, ensure => present, require => File['fix Mingw32CCompiler'], } exec {'pip install requirements': timeout => 1200, command => "$project_dir/venv/Scripts/pip.exe install -r $project_dir/requirements.txt", require => File['enforce MinGW compiler'], } file {'change venv permissions': path => "$project_dir/venv", recurse => true, owner => $user, mode => 0770, require => Exec['pip install requirements'], }在puppet文件中,对于声明的任何父目录都有隐式需求.
File['change venv permissions'] -> File['enforce MinGW compiler']