我对su-binary( https://github.com/git-core/su-binary)做了一些小改动,添加了一个目标来设置SUID. 我使用的Android.mk: http://pastebin.com/N0gMJT4u 在Android源代码树的根目录下运行make时,运行正常: $make
我使用的Android.mk: http://pastebin.com/N0gMJT4u
$make -j5 [...] system/core/rootdir/Android.mk:42: warning: ignoring old commands for target `out/target/product/panda/root/init.rc' echo "Setting SUID/GUID to su-binary" Setting SUID/GUID to su-binary Installing busybox chmod ug+s out/target/product/panda/system/xbin/su [...]
在外部/ su-binary中运行mm -B时:http://pastebin.com/8HmUJBA0
mmm external / su-binary的行为相同
Apart from “make name-of-module” as suggested by Ying Wang, you can
run “mm” inside a directory to build (and install) all modules defined
there. However, this will build only those modules, any dependent
modules will not be built. Hence, it’s only useful for incremental
builds of existing trees where you keep track of the dependencies.
$rm out/target/product/panda/system/xbin/su $make external/su-binary [...] make: Nothing to be done for `external/su-binary'. $rm out/target/product/panda/obj/EXECUTABLES/su_intermediates/su $make external/su-binary [...] make: Nothing to be done for `external/su-binary`.
>在include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)之前放置此目标
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := su LOCAL_SRC_FILES := su.c db.c activity.cpp SU_SHARED_LIBRARIES := liblog libsqlite ifeq ($(PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION),4) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DSU_LEGACY_BUILD SU_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libandroid_runtime else SU_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libcutils libbinder libutils LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng endif LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += external/sqlite/dist LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := $(SU_SHARED_LIBRARIES) LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT_OPTIONAL_EXECUTABLES) SU_INSTALL_DIR := $(TARGET_OUT)/xbin SU_BINARY := $(SU_INSTALL_DIR)/su # taken from busybox-android $(SU_BINARY)-post: su @echo "Setting SUID/GUID to su-binary..." chmod ug+s $(TARGET_OUT_OPTIONAL_EXECUTABLES)/su ln -sf $(TARGET_OUT_OPTIONAL_EXECUTABLES)/su $(TARGET_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/su ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES += $(SU_BINARY)-post include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)