我通常使用reshape包来聚合一些数据(呃),通常用plyr,因为每个都有超级棒的功能.最近,我收到了一个建议,切换到reshape2并尝试一下,现在我似乎无法再使用每个魔法. 重塑 m - melt(mtcars, id.v
> m <- melt(mtcars, id.vars = c("am", "vs"), measure.vars = "hp") > cast(m, am + vs ~ variable, each(min, max, mean, sd)) am vs hp_min hp_max hp_mean hp_sd 1 0 0 150 245 194.16667 33.35984 2 0 1 62 123 102.14286 20.93186 3 1 0 91 335 180.83333 98.81582 4 1 1 52 113 80.57143 24.14441
require(plyr) > m <- melt(mtcars, id.vars = c("am", "vs"), measure.vars = "hp") > dcast(m, am + vs ~ variable, each(min, max, mean, sd)) Error in structure(ordered, dim = ns) : dims [product 4] do not match the length of object [16] In addition: Warning messages: 1: In fs[[i]](x, ...) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf 2: In fs[[i]](x, ...) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
If the combination of variables you supply does not uniquely identify
one row in the original data set, you will need to supply an
aggregating function, fun.aggregate. This function should take a
vector of numbers and return a single summary statistic.
ddply(m,.(am,vs),summarise,min = min(value), max = max(value), mean = mean(value), sd = sd(value))