import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List (transpose) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) main = do dts <- readFile "dates.txt" cts1 <- readFile "eu.txt" cts2 <- readFile "usa.txt" let dates = lines dts cols1 = transpose $map words $lines cts1 cols2 = transpose $map words $lines cts2 prs1 = zip (head cols1) (last cols1) prs2 = zip (head cols2) (last cols2) map1 = M.fromList prs1 map2 = M.fromList prs2 trips = map fromJust (filter (/=Nothing) (map (\date -> getTrips date map1 map2) dates)) cols3 = map (\(a,b,c) -> [a,b,c]) trips result = unlines $map unwords $cols3 writeFile "trips.txt" result getTrips :: String -> M.Map String String -> M.Map String String -> Maybe (String, String, String) getTrips date map1 map2 | is1 /= Nothing && is2 /= Nothing = Just (date, fromJust is1, fromJust is2) | otherwise = Nothing where is1 = M.lookup date map1 is2 = M.lookup date map2
TL; DR:代码有效(虽然我很乐意听到一些意见/建议),但我有一些问题:
> Map是从字符串元组创建的 – 它是否正常或者密钥是否始终为数字,以便平衡和查找正常工作?
there were only around 2000 dates, therefore I didn’t care much about
performance (you can see that I was using Strings everywhere); was
using Data.Map an overkill then? When should Data.Map be preferred
over lists of tuples?
union [] _ = [] union _ [] = [] union xss@((dx,vx):xs) yss@((dy,vy):ys) = case compare dx dy of EQ -> (dx, vx, vy) : union xs ys GT -> union xss ys LT -> union xs yss
the Map was created from tuples of Strings – is it fine or should the
key always be numeric in order for the balancing and lookups to work
不,如果你的代码类型检查你的Map将正常工作(w / r / t你定义Ord实例的方式).但正如CA McCann建议的那样,如果您的密钥是列表,则trie可能更合适,特别是如果密钥前缀之间存在很多重叠(查看列表上的Ord实例如何实现,并想象必须进行的操作数量)将“abcdx”,“abcdy”和“abcdz”键插入地图与trie结构中以说服自己).