在 Real World Ocaml Chapter 9这是关于仿函数: Dependency injection Makes the implementations of some components of a system swappable. This is particularly useful when you want to mock up parts of your system for testing and simula
Dependency injection
Makes the implementations of some components of a system swappable. This is particularly useful when you want to mock up parts
of your system for testing and simulation purposes.
我还看了一下关于DI的维基百科 – 但实际上我没有用测试和模拟目的来捕捉这个关系.
module type AbstractKeyValueStoreService = sig exception NetworkError type t val list : t -> string val find : t -> string -> string option val set : t -> string -> string -> unit end
module KeyValueStoreServiceFailingOnSet = struct exception NetworkError type t = unit let list () = [ "a"; "b"] let find = function | "a" -> Some("x") | "b" -> Some("y") | _ -> None let set _ _ = raise NetworkError end