07002 is a technique used to quickly select candidate clauses of a
predicate for a specific goal. In most Prolog systems, indexing is
done (only) on the first argument of the head. If this argument is
instantiated to an atom, integer, float or compound term with functor,
hashing is used to quickly select all clauses where the first argument
may unify with the first argument of the goal. SWI-Prolog supports
just-in-time and multi-argument indexing. See section 07003.
目前我的词法分析器/标记器(基于mzapotoczny / prolog-interpreter parser.pl)就是这个
% N.B. % Since the lexer uses "" for values, the double_quotes flag has to be set to `chars`. % If double_quotes flag is set to `code`, the the values with "" will not be matched. :- use_module(library(pio)). :- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). :- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars). lexer(Tokens) --> white_space, ( ( ":", !, { Token = tokColon } ; "(", !, { Token = tokLParen } ; ")", !, { Token = tokRParen } ; "{", !, { Token = tokLMusta} ; "}", !, { Token = tokRMusta} ; "\\", !, { Token = tokSlash} ; "->", !, { Token = tokImpl} ; "+", !, { Token = tokPlus } ; "-", !, { Token = tokMinus } ; "*", !, { Token = tokTimes } ; "=", !, { Token = tokEqual } ; "<", !, { Token = tokLt } ; ">", !, { Token = tokGt } ; "_", !, { Token = tokUnderscore } ; ".", !, { Token = tokPeriod } ; "/", !, { Token = tokForwardSlash } ; ",", !, { Token = tokComma } ; ";", !, { Token = tokSemicolon } ; digit(D), !, number(D, N), { Token = tokNumber(N) } ; letter(L), !, identifier(L, Id), { member((Id, Token), [ (div, tokDiv), (mod, tokMod), (where, tokWhere)]), ! ; Token = tokVar(Id) } ; [_], { Token = tokUnknown } ), !, { Tokens = [Token | TokList] }, lexer(TokList) ; [], { Tokens = [] } ). white_space --> [Char], { code_type(Char, space) }, !, white_space. white_space --> "--", whole_line, !, white_space. white_space --> []. whole_line --> "\n", !. whole_line --> [_], whole_line. digit(D) --> [D], { code_type(D, digit) }. digits([D|T]) --> digit(D), !, digits(T). digits([]) --> []. number(D, N) --> digits(Ds), { number_chars(N, [D|Ds]) }. letter(L) --> [L], { code_type(L, alpha) }. alphanum([A|T]) --> [A], { code_type(A, alnum) }, !, alphanum(T). alphanum([]) --> []. alphanum([]). alphanum([H|T]) :- code_type(H, alpha), alphanum(T). identifier(L, Id) --> alphanum(As), { atom_codes(Id, [L|As]) }.
read_file_for_lexing_and_user_review(Path) :- open(Path,read,Input), read_input_for_user_review(Input), !, close(Input). read_file_for_lexing_and_performance(Path,Limit) :- open(Path,read,Input), read_input_for_performance(Input,0,Limit), !, close(Input). read_input(Input) :- at_end_of_stream(Input). read_input(Input) :- \+ at_end_of_stream(Input), read_string(Input, "\n", "\r\t ", _, Line), lex_line(Line), read_input(Input). read_input_for_user_review(Input) :- at_end_of_stream(Input). read_input_for_user_review(Input) :- \+ at_end_of_stream(Input), read_string(Input, "\n", "\r\t ", _, Line), lex_line_for_user_review(Line), nl, print('Press spacebar to continue or any other key to exit: '), get_single_char(Key), process_user_continue_or_exit_key(Key,Input). read_input_for_performance(Input,Count,Limit) :- Count >= Limit. read_input_for_performance(Input,_,_) :- at_end_of_stream(Input). read_input_for_performance(Input,Count0,Limit) :- % print(Count0), \+ at_end_of_stream(Input), read_string(Input, "\n", "\r\t ", _, Line), lex_line(Line), Count is Count0 + 1, read_input_for_performance(Input,Count,Limit). process_user_continue_or_exit_key(32,Input) :- % space bar nl, nl, read_input_for_user_review(Input). process_user_continue_or_exit_key(Key) :- Key \= 32. lex_line_for_user_review(Line) :- lex_line(Line,TokList), print(Line), nl, print(TokList), nl. lex_line(Line,TokList) :- string_chars(Line,Code_line), phrase(lexer(TokList),Code_line). lex_line(Line) :- string_chars(Line,Code_line), phrase(lexer(TokList),Code_line). read_user_input_for_lexing_and_user_review :- print('Enter a line to parse or just Enter to exit: '), nl, read_string(user, "\n", "\r", _, String), nl, lex_line_for_user_review(String), nl, continue_user_input_for_lexing_and_user_review(String). continue_user_input_for_lexing_and_user_review(String) :- string_length(String,N), N > 0, read_user_input_for_lexing_and_user_review. continue_user_input_for_lexing_and_user_review(String) :- string_length(String,0).
read_user_input_for_lexing_and_user_review / 0允许用户在终端输入用于lexing的字符串并查看令牌.
read_file_for_lexing_and_user_review / 1读取lexing文件并一次查看每行一行的标记.
read_file_for_lexing_and_performance / 2读取lexing文件,限制lex的行数.这用于收集基本性能统计数据以衡量效率.意图与time/1一起使用.
lexer(Tokens) --> white_space, ( ( ":", !, { Token = tokColon } ; "(", !, { Token = tokLParen } ; ")", !, { Token = tokRParen } ; "{", !, { Token = tokLMusta} ; "}", !, { Token = tokRMusta} ; "\\", !, { Token = tokSlash} ; "->", !, { Token = tokImpl} ; "+", !, { Token = tokPlus } ; "-", !, { Token = tokMinus } ; "*", !, { Token = tokTimes } ; "=", !, { Token = tokEqual } ; "<", !, { Token = tokLt } ; ">", !, { Token = tokGt } ; "_", !, { Token = tokUnderscore } ; ".", !, { Token = tokPeriod } ; "/", !, { Token = tokForwardSlash } ; ",", !, { Token = tokComma } ; ";", !, { Token = tokSemicolon } ; digit(D), !, number(D, N), { Token = tokNumber(N) } ; letter(L), !, identifier(L, Id), { member((Id, Token), [ (div, tokDiv), (mod, tokMod), (where, tokWhere)]), ! ; Token = tokVar(Id) } ; [_], { Token = tokUnknown } ), !, { Tokens = [Token | TokList] }, lexer(TokList) ; [], { Tokens = [] } ).
lexer(Tokens) --> white_space, ( ( op_token(Token), ! % replace ;/2 long chain searched blindly with call to new predicate op_token//1 which clauses have indexed access by first arg in Prolog standard way ; digit(D), !, number(D, N), { Token = tokNumber(N) } ; letter(L), !, identifier(L, Id), { member((Id, Token), [ (div, tokDiv), (mod, tokMod), (where, tokWhere)]), ! ; Token = tokVar(Id) } ; [_], { Token = tokUnknown } ), !, { Tokens = [Token | TokList] }, lexer(TokList) ; [], { Tokens = [] } ). %%% op_token(tokColon) --> ";". op_token(tokLParen) --> "(". op_token(tokRParen) --> ")". op_token(tokLMusta) --> "{". op_token(tokRMusta) --> "}". op_token(tokBackSlash) --> "\\". op_token(tokImpl) --> "->". op_token(tokPlus) --> "+". op_token(tokMinus) --> "-". op_token(tokTimes) --> "*". op_token(tokEqual) --> "=". op_token(tokLt) --> "<". op_token(tokGt) --> ">". op_token(tokUnderscore) --> "_". op_token(tokPeriod) --> ".". op_token(tokSlash) --> "/". op_token(tokComma) --> ",". op_token(tokSemicolon) --> ";".
由Guy Coder编辑
我使用问题中发布的示例数据运行测试到列表中,列表中的每个项目都是转换为字符代码的数据中的一行.然后在列表中的每个项目上使用time / 1调用lexer并重复测试列表10000次.数据加载到列表中并在时间/ 1之前转换为字符代码的原因是这些进程没有使结果产生偏差.每次运行重复5次以获得数据的一致性.
用于以下的Prolog版本是SWI-Prolog 8.0.
Version: 1 :- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars). % 694,080,002 inferences, 151.141 CPU in 151.394 seconds (100% CPU, 4592280 Lips) % 694,080,001 inferences, 150.813 CPU in 151.059 seconds (100% CPU, 4602271 Lips) % 694,080,001 inferences, 152.063 CPU in 152.326 seconds (100% CPU, 4564439 Lips) % 694,080,001 inferences, 151.141 CPU in 151.334 seconds (100% CPU, 4592280 Lips) % 694,080,001 inferences, 151.875 CPU in 152.139 seconds (100% CPU, 4570074 Lips)
Version: 2 :- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars). % 773,260,002 inferences, 77.469 CPU in 77.543 seconds (100% CPU, 9981573 Lips) % 773,260,001 inferences, 77.344 CPU in 77.560 seconds (100% CPU, 9997705 Lips) % 773,260,001 inferences, 77.406 CPU in 77.629 seconds (100% CPU, 9989633 Lips) % 773,260,001 inferences, 77.891 CPU in 77.967 seconds (100% CPU, 9927511 Lips) % 773,260,001 inferences, 78.422 CPU in 78.644 seconds (100% CPU, 9860259 Lips)
op_token(tokUnderscore,['_'|A], A).
op_token(Token), !
[S], { special_character_indexed(S,Token) }
special_character_indexed( ';' ,tokSemicolon).
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars). % 765,800,002 inferences, 74.125 CPU in 74.348 seconds (100% CPU, 10331197 Lips) % 765,800,001 inferences, 74.766 CPU in 74.958 seconds (100% CPU, 10242675 Lips) % 765,800,001 inferences, 74.734 CPU in 74.943 seconds (100% CPU, 10246958 Lips) % 765,800,001 inferences, 74.828 CPU in 75.036 seconds (100% CPU, 10234120 Lips) % 765,800,001 inferences, 74.547 CPU in 74.625 seconds (100% CPU, 10272731 Lips)
Version: 4 :- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,atom). % 765,800,003 inferences, 84.234 CPU in 84.539 seconds (100% CPU, 9091300 Lips) % 765,800,001 inferences, 74.797 CPU in 74.930 seconds (100% CPU, 10238396 Lips) % 765,800,001 inferences, 75.125 CPU in 75.303 seconds (100% CPU, 10193677 Lips) % 765,800,001 inferences, 75.078 CPU in 75.218 seconds (100% CPU, 10200042 Lips) % 765,800,001 inferences, 75.031 CPU in 75.281 seconds (100% CPU, 10206414 Lips)
只是查看CPU数量,使用索引更快,例如(版本:1)151.875 vs(Version:3)74.547