Brendan Eich came up with astoundingly clever performance optimization for the Properties Pattern, which he told me about back in January. I was ready to publish this article, but I told him I’d hold off until he blogged about his optimization. Every once in a while he’d ping me and tell me “any day now.”
Brendan, it’s October, dammit!
我去挖掘,从另一个答案中提到的 Brendan’s tweet开始,到 at this blog post from ’08结束.总结:A lot of the benchmarks show that SpiderMonkey is significantly faster
than Tamarin. This has been mostly attributed to the way SpiderMonkey
accesses object properties. SpiderMonkey has an implementation of the
shape idea. A shape is a unique identifier which details the structure
of an object, and allows for a quick lookup of a given property. With
a few bit operations, given an object’s shape and the current program
location, we can find a property’s address.