import something from "whatever" export class SomeViewModel { activate() { // use something } }通常,在Aurelia应用程序中,您导入的内容不是Something的实例,而是Something类.要实际使用已导入的内容,您需要一个实例.
import Something from 'whatever'; let something = new Something();
If I import a module defined as export default class Something into an
aurelia view model using constructor injection, it does not need to be
instantiated. It is an instance of the class Something.
这是因为Aurelia的Dependency Injection容器正在为您实例化一个实例.这就是您的代码如下所示的原因:
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework'; import Something from 'somewhere'; @inject(Something) export class Foo { constructor(something) { this.something = something; } //... }
import Something from 'somewhere'; export class Foo { constructor(Something) { this.something = something; } //... }
In other words, it appears that aurelia’s constructor DI only works
with class exports, and it does instantiate the class. It looks like
if I want to import something like moment js into my aurelia view
model, I should just continue doing things the way I’ve always done
them (not using aurelia’s DI). Does that sound correct?