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1D Haskell列表上的随机访问性能

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-22
我有一个 Haskell程序,它使用Metropolis模拟Ising模型 算法.主要操作是模板操作,它取下一个的总和 2D中的邻居然后将其与中心元素相乘.那么 元素可能已更新. 在C中,我获得了不错的性能,我使
我有一个 Haskell程序,它使用Metropolis模拟Ising模型


type Spin = Bool
type Lattice = [Spin]


extent = 30


-- Wrap a coordinate for periodic boundary conditions.
wrap :: Int -> Int
wrap = flip mod $extent

-- Converts an unbounded (x,y) index into a linearized index with periodic
-- boundary conditions.
index :: Int -> Int -> Int
index x y = wrap x + wrap y * extent

-- Retrieve a single element from the lattice, automatically performing
-- periodic boundary conditions.
get :: Lattice -> Int -> Int -> Spin
get l x y = l !! index x y

std :: vector保证我快速随机访问.


COST CENTRE                        MODULE                SRC                       no.     entries  %time %alloc   %time %alloc

         get                       Main                  ising.hs:36:1-26          153     899100    8.3    0.4     9.2    1.9
          index                    Main                  ising.hs:31:1-36          154     899100    0.5    1.2     0.9    1.5
           wrap                    Main                  ising.hs:26:1-24          155          0    0.4    0.4     0.4    0.4
         neighborSum               Main                  ising.hs:(40,1)-(43,56)   133     899100    4.9   16.6    46.6   25.3
          spin                     Main                  ising.hs:(21,1)-(22,17)   135    3596400    0.5    0.4     0.5    0.4
          neighborSum.neighbors    Main                  ising.hs:43:9-56          134     899100    0.9    0.7     0.9    0.7
          neighborSum.retriever    Main                  ising.hs:42:9-40          136     899100    0.4    0.0    40.2    7.6
           neighborSum.retriever.\ Main                  ising.hs:42:32-40         137    3596400    0.2    0.0    39.8    7.6
            get                    Main                  ising.hs:36:1-26          138    3596400   33.7    1.4    39.6    7.6
             index                 Main                  ising.hs:31:1-36          139    3596400    3.1    4.7     5.9    6.1
              wrap                 Main                  ising.hs:26:1-24          141          0    2.7    1.4     2.7    1.4





-- Copyright © 2017 Martin Ueding <dev@martin-ueding.de>

-- Ising model with the Metropolis algorithm. Random choice of lattice site for
-- a spin flip.

import qualified Data.Text
import System.Random

type Spin = Bool
type Lattice = [Spin]

-- Lattice extent is fixed to a square.
extent = 30
volume = extent * extent

temperature :: Double
temperature = 0.0

-- Converts a `Spin` into `+1` or `-1`.
spin :: Spin -> Int
spin True = 1
spin False = (-1)

-- Wrap a coordinate for periodic boundary conditions.
wrap :: Int -> Int
wrap = flip mod $extent

-- Converts an unbounded (x,y) index into a linearized index with periodic
-- boundary conditions.
index :: Int -> Int -> Int
index x y = wrap x + wrap y * extent

-- Retrieve a single element from the lattice, automatically performing
-- periodic boundary conditions.
get :: Lattice -> Int -> Int -> Spin
get l x y = l !! index x y

-- Computes the sum of neighboring spings.
neighborSum :: Lattice -> Int -> Int -> Int
neighborSum l x y = sum $map spin $map retriever neighbors
        retriever = \(x, y) -> get l x y
        neighbors = [(x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)]

-- Computes the energy difference at a certain lattice site if it would be
-- flipped.
energy :: Lattice -> Int -> Int -> Int
energy l x y = 2 * neighborSum l x y * (spin (get l x y))

-- Converts a full lattice into a textual representation.
latticeToString l = unlines lines
        spinToChar :: Spin -> String
        spinToChar True = "#"
        spinToChar False = "."

        line :: String
        line = concat $map spinToChar l

        lines :: [String]
        lines = map Data.Text.unpack $Data.Text.chunksOf extent $Data.Text.pack line

-- Populates a lattice given a random seed.
initLattice :: Int -> (Lattice,StdGen)
initLattice s = (l,rng)
        rng = mkStdGen s

        allRandom :: Lattice
        allRandom = randoms rng

        l = take volume allRandom

-- Performs a single Metropolis update at the given lattice site.
update (l,rng) x y
    | doUpdate = (l',rng')
    | otherwise = (l,rng')
        shift = energy l x y

        r :: Double
        (r,rng') = random rng

        doUpdate :: Bool
        doUpdate = (shift < 0) || (exp (- fromIntegral shift / temperature) > r)

        i = index x y
        (a,b) = splitAt i l
        l' = a ++ [not $head b] ++ tail b

-- A full sweep through the lattice.
doSweep (l,rng) = doSweep' (l,rng) (extent * extent)

-- Implementation that does the needed number of sweeps at a random lattice
-- site.
doSweep' (l,rng) 0 = (l,rng)
doSweep' (l,rng) i = doSweep' (update (l,rng'') x y) (i - 1)
        x :: Int
        (x,rng') = random rng

        y :: Int
        (y,rng'') = random rng'

-- Creates an IO action that prints the lattice to the screen.
printLattice :: (Lattice,StdGen) -> IO ()
printLattice (l,rng) = do
    putStrLn ""
    putStr $latticeToString l

dummy :: (Lattice,StdGen) -> IO ()
dummy (l,rng) = do
    putStr "."

-- Creates a random lattice and performs five sweeps.
main = do
    let lrngs = iterate doSweep $initLattice 2
    mapM_ dummy $take 1000 lrngs
你总是可以使用 Data.Vector.Unboxed,这与std :: vector基本相同.它具有非常快速的随机访问,但它并不真正允许纯功能更新†.你仍然可以通过 ST monad工作来做这样的更新,事实上这可能是给你最佳性能的解决方案,但它并不是真正的Haskell惯用语.

更好:使用一个允许查找和更新以及log(n)-ish时间的功能结构;这是基于树的结构的典型特征. IntMap应该运作得很好.



neighboursInList :: [a] -> [(a, (Maybe a, Maybe a))]



data Lattice a = Lattice
     { latticeNodes :: [a]
     , latticeLength :: Int }
   deriving (Functor)

data NodeInLattice a = NodeInLattice
     { thisNode :: a
     , xPrev, xNext, yPrev, yNext :: a }
   deriving (Functor)

neighboursInLattice :: Lattice a -> Lattice (NodeInLattice a)


>它可以很好地并行化.例如,repa library内置了模板支持.在超级计算机上运行的所有代码都必须使用类似的东西,因为访问位于集群中另一个节点上的随机元素比访问处理器自己的节点内存慢得多.

