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ruby-on-rails – 思考Sphinx索引方法之间的区别

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-23
想知道这些之间有什么区别: indexes shop.created_at, :as =created_athas shop(:created_at), :as = :created_athas shop.created_at, :as = :created_at 谢谢. 所以我不认为第二和第三之间存在差异(如果我错了,请纠正

indexes shop.created_at, :as =>created_at
has shop(:created_at), :as => :created_at
has shop.created_at, :as => :created_at



索引用于指定字段 – 根据Thinking Sphinx网站:

Fields are the content for your search queries – so if you want words tied to a specific document, you better make sure they’re in a field in your index. They are only string data – you could have numbers and dates and such in your fields, but Sphinx will only treat them as strings, nothing else.

has用于指定属性 – 再次,根据Thinking Sphinx网站:

Attributes are used for sorting, filtering and grouping your search results. Their values do not get paid any attention by Sphinx for search terms, though, and they’re limited to the following data types: integers, floats, datetimes (as Unix timestamps – and thus integers anyway), booleans, and strings. Take note that string attributes are converted to ordinal integers, which is especially useful for sorting, but not much else.
