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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-23
例如 x = 123p = Proc.new { x = 'I do not want change the value of the outer x, I want to create a local x'} 在Ruby中是否有与Perl中的“my”关键字相同的东西? 根据 my 的Perl文档,我认为你在Ruby中寻找类似下面

x = 123
p = Proc.new {
  x = 'I do not want change the value of the outer x, I want to create a local x'


根据 my的Perl文档,我认为你在Ruby中寻找类似下面的内容: –

x = 123 
p = Proc.new {|;x|  
  x = 'I do not want change the value of the outer x, I want to create a local x'
# => "I do not want change the value of the outer x, I want to create a local x"
x # => 123