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ruby – 在Capybara中,确实:或者Capybara.exact适用于have_selector?

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-23
在尝试匹配文本完全匹配的元素时,我很难使用Capybara的have_selector.我知道这可以使用正则表达式来完成,但是我对 Capybara’s blog post的阅读使我相信我可以使用:exact arg或set Capybara.exact
在尝试匹配文本完全匹配的元素时,我很难使用Capybara的have_selector.我知道这可以使用正则表达式来完成,但是我对 Capybara’s blog post的阅读使我相信我可以使用:exact arg或set Capybara.exact = true.我目前正在使用Capybara 2.2.1.这是我有的:


<div id="my_div">abcdef</div>


Feature: Test for exact text matches in have_selector
  Given I am on the test page
  Then I should get a partial text match "bcde" in my div
  And I should get a partial text match "abcdef" in my div
  And I should get an exact text match using regexp "abcdef" in my div
  And I should not get an exact text match using regexp "bcde" in my div
  And I should get an exact text match using arg "abcdef" in my div
  And I should not get an exact text match using arg "bcde" in my div


Then /^I should get a partial text match "([^\"]*)" in my div$/ do |text|
  page.should have_selector('div#my_div', :text => text)

Then /^I should get an exact text match using regexp "([^\"]*)" in my div$/ do |text|
  page.should have_selector('div#my_div', :text => /^#{text}$/)

Then /^I should not get an exact text match using regexp "([^\"]*)" in my div$/ do |text|
  page.should_not have_selector('div#my_div', :text => /^#{text}$/)

Then /^I should get an exact text match using arg "([^\"]*)" in my div$/ do |text|
  page.should have_selector('div#my_div', :text => text, :exact => true)

Then /^I should not get an exact text match using arg "([^\"]*)" in my div$/ do |text|
  page.should_not have_selector('div#my_div', :text => text, :exact => true)


And I should not get an exact text match using arg "bcde" in my div
expected not to find css "div#my_div" with text "bcde", found 1 match: "abcdef" (Capybara::ExpectationNotMet)

这让我相信:exact => true在我的have_selector调用中没有做任何事情.我有同样的尝试在我的测试设置配置中设置Capybara.exact = true,但这似乎也没有影响我的测试,我希望我的方式.


有一个开放的功能请求 Capybara Github Issue 1256,让has_selector(和其他)支持精确的文本匹配.

但是,就目前而言(在Capybara 2.x中),:exact选项不适用于:text选项.如果我没记错的话,那就是下面的一段代码(来自query.rb)进行文本选项过滤.如您所见,没有逻辑或考虑:确切选项.

def matches_filters?(node)
  if options[:text]
    regexp = options[:text].is_a?(Regexp) ? options[:text] : Regexp.escape(options[:text].to_s)
    return false if not node.text(visible).match(regexp)

根据Capybara docs,:exact选项实际上是:

Control whether is expressions in the given XPath match exactly or

这基本上只在Capybara::Node::Actions中使用,其中文本(或id,名称等)未指定为选项 – ex:

# Will match links that exactly match 'Password'
click_link('Password', :exact => true)

# Will match links that contain the word 'Password' - ex 'Password Confirmation'
click_link('Password', :exact => false)