Derived d1; Derived d2; Base& b1 = d1; Base& b2 = d2; b1 = b2;
我尝试了这个代码(同时使用:g和Sun CC编译器):
struct Base { virtual void print() const { cout << "{ Base: " << m << " }" << endl; } Base(int _m = 0) : m(_m) {} int m; }; struct Derived : Base { Derived(int _m = 0, int _n = 0) : Base(_m), n(_n) {} void print() const { cout << "{ Base: " << m << ", Derived: " << n << " }" << endl; } int n; }; int main() { try { try { throw Derived(3, 300); } catch(Base x) { cout << "Inner catch: "; x.print(); throw; } } catch(Derived y) { cout << "Outer catch: "; y.print(); } }
Inner catch: { Base: 3 } Outer catch: { Base: 3, Derived: 300 }
所以我抛出Derived异常,捕获它的Base BY VALUE并重新抛出,然后捕获Derived BY VALUE并且一切正常,没有任何切片.
并且有人可以提供捕获BY VALUE时的切片示例吗?
Rethrows the currently handled exception. Abandons the execution of the current catch block and passes control to the next matching exception handler (but not to another catch clause after the same try block: its compound-statement is considered to have been ‘exited’), reusing the existing exception object: no new objects are made. This form is only allowed when an exception is presently being handled (it calls std::terminate if used otherwise). The catch clause associated with a function-try-block must exit via rethrowing if used on a constructor.
注意,如果你替换throw;通过throw x ;,将抛出一个Base实例并且不会捕获,导致调用std :: abort().实际上,切片的衍生物不能被未切割(这就是为什么我们通常不喜欢切片,除非它们是披萨切片)被catch(Derived)捕获.
作为结论,我坚持“按价值投掷,按(常)引用”).在这个具体的例子中,你很好地捕捉切片值,但一般情况并非如此. Serge Ballesta’s answer提供了一个导致麻烦的价值追赶的例子.快速搜索您最喜爱的搜索引擎可以帮助您找到其他案例,其中捕获价值正在寻找麻烦.