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c – 如何在gdb中反汇编重载运算符?

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-23
如果我有bool运算符==(const uint128 x,const uint128 y);我怎样才能让gdb反汇编呢? (gdb) p 'operator==(uint128 const,uint128 const)'$1 = {bool (const uint128 , const uint128 )} 0x401040 operator==(uint128 const, uint128 const
如果我有bool运算符==(const uint128& x,const uint128& y);我怎样才能让gdb反汇编呢?
(gdb) p 'operator==(uint128 const&,uint128 const&)'
$1 = {bool (const uint128 &, const uint128 &)} 0x401040 <operator==(uint128 const&, uint128 const&)>
(gdb) disassemble $1
Dump of assembler code for function _ZeqRK7uint128S1_:
0x00401040 <_ZeqRK7uint128S1_+0>:       push   %ebp
... (elided)
0x00401066 <_ZeqRK7uint128S1_+38>:      ret    
End of assembler dump.