我有一个通用的List(Foo),它包含了Type Foo的n个对象. Foo的一个属性是PropertyA. PropertyA可以是ValueA,ValueB或ValueC之一.有没有一种简单的方法可以将它分成三个单独的列表,一个用于ValueA,一个用
在C#和.Net 2.0中,我写过(太多次)://if PropertyA is not int, change int to whatever that type is Dictionary<int, List<foo>> myCollections = new Dictionary<int, List<foo>>(); // foreach(Foo myFoo in fooList) { //if I haven't seen this key before, make a new entry if (!myCollections.ContainsKey(myFoo.PropertyA)) { myCollections.Add(myFoo.PropertyA, new List<foo>()); } //now add the value to the entry. myCollections[myFoo.PropertyA].Add(myFoo); } // // now recollect these lists into the result. List<List<Foo>> result = new List<List<Foo>>(); foreach(List<Foo> someFoos in myCollections.Values) { result.Add(someFoos); }
List<List<foo>> result = fooList .GroupBy(foo => foo.PropertyA) .Select(g => g.ToList()) .ToList();
ILookup<TypeOfPropertyA, foo>> result = fooList.ToLookup(foo => foo.PropertyA);