我得到了以下方法: Private Sub boldButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles boldButton.Click Dim curFont As Font Dim newFont As Font curFont = rtb.SelectionFont If curFont IsNot Nothing Then 'create the
Private Sub boldButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles boldButton.Click Dim curFont As Font Dim newFont As Font curFont = rtb.SelectionFont If curFont IsNot Nothing Then 'create the new font newFont = New Font(curFont.FontFamily, curFont.Size, curFont.Style Xor FontStyle.Bold) 'set it rtb.SelectionFont = newFont End If End Sub
目前在理解这部分代码curFont.Style Xor FontStyle.Bold时遇到的问题.在不使用运算符Xor的情况下实现相同结果的有效方法是什么?
我查了Xor on MSDN,但仍然无法理解boldButton_Click程序中的实现.
按位异或切换标志.我们假设Style位域看起来像这样00000000 ^^^ BIU (Bold, Italic, Underline)
现在Xor FontStyle.Bold会在某些东西中翻转这个东西.例:
00000111 Xor 00000100 = 00000011 (Boldness removed) 00000001 Xor 00000100 = 00000101 (Boldness added)
由于您明确要求替代方案:您可以检查该位是否设置样式和粗体<> 0,然后设置它样式=样式或粗体或删除它样式=样式和(非粗体).