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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-25
我需要创建一个公开IDictionary K,V的对象.接口,但我不想填写整个接口的实现. 拥有相当于Java的AbstractDictionary会很不错,这使得你很少能够推动完整的字典(HashMap,在Java中): 如果您不需要迭
我需要创建一个公开IDictionary< K,V>的对象.接口,但我不想填写整个接口的实现.



Wintellect的 PowerCollections library包括一个DictionaryBase类( source code),它实现了大部分标准IDictionary< K,V>接口.从课堂上的文档评论:

DictionaryBase is a base class that
can be used to more easily implement
the generic IDictionary<T> and
non-generic IDictionary interfaces.

To use DictionaryBase as a base class, the derived class must override Count, GetEnumerator, TryGetValue, Clear, Remove, and the indexer set accessor.
