目录 mybatis like %%问题 mybatis 关于like的处理 mybatis like %%问题 select id="getMaxNotOnlineInfoByConditon" resultType="com.shishike.susie.entity.CustomConfirmInfo" SELECT *FROM t_customconfirminfoWHERE (if(#{pduName,jdbcType=V
- mybatis like %%问题
- mybatis 关于like的处理
mybatis like %%问题
<select id="getMaxNotOnlineInfoByConditon" resultType="com.shishike.susie.entity.CustomConfirmInfo"> SELECT * FROM t_customconfirminfo WHERE (if(#{pduName,jdbcType=VARCHAR} IS NULL, 0 = 0, pduname = #{pduName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) AND if(#{moduleName,jdbcType=VARCHAR} IS NULL, 0 = 0, modulename = #{moduleName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) AND if(#{env,jdbcType=VARCHAR} IS NULL, 0 = 0, confirminfo = #{env,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) AND if(#{ossAddress,jdbcType=VARCHAR} IS NULL, 0 = 0, ossaddress = #{ossAddress,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) AND if(#{branch,jdbcType=VARCHAR} IS NULL, 0 = 0, branch like concat(concat('%',#{branch,jdbcType=VARCHAR}),'%')) AND if(#{confirmId,jdbcType=BIGINT} IS NULL, 0 = 0, id > #{confirmId,jdbcType=BIGINT}) AND onlineinfo is null) ORDER BY CREATED DESC LIMIT 1 </select>
mybatis 关于like的处理
SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE name LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT('%', #{text}), '%');
<select id="findUserByFuzzyEmail" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.String"> select id,username,email,status,createtime,updatetime from tb_user <bind name="pattern" value="'%'+_parameter.getEmail() +'%'" /> <where> <if test="email != null and email != ''"> email like #{pattern} </if> </where> </select>