var sr = new OtherShouldReceiveUserControl(Wb, Wb.Application); var dpi = sr.dpiValue; sr.Name = "OtherShouldReceiveUserControl"; var customTaskPane = Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes.Add(sr, "快速导航"); customTaskPane.DockPosition = MsoCTPDockPosition.msoCTPDockPositionFloating; customTaskPane.DockPositionRestrict = MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict .msoCTPDockPositionRestrictNoChange; customTaskPane.Visible = true;
而这个方法我们会在worksheet active中触发。
app = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application;
app.SheetActivate += App_SheetActivate;
private void App_SheetActivate(object Sh)
CommonUtils.CallShowNavicatButton(CurWorkbook, curWorksheet.Name);
在SheetActive中调用方法,不过有一个问题,每次Active处罚之后都会Add OtherShouldReceiveUserControl 用户控件,它会出现用户控件重复添加的情况,所以你需要做一定的冗余处理。如何处理呢?
Worksheet worksheet = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet; var EnableNavicat = GetEnableNavicat(); if (EnableNavicat == "false") { return; } if (Wb.Application.Visible) { #region 删除导航,激活其他excel必须用目前方法 int i = -1; int deleteIndex = -1; foreach (var panel in Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes) { i++; try { if (panel != null && (panel.Title == "快速导航") { panel.Visible = false; deleteIndex = i; break; } } catch { } } if (deleteIndex >= 0) { //移除导航 try { Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes.RemoveAt(deleteIndex); } catch { } }
首先遍历 Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes 中的所有panel,如果Title是我们刚才添加的,或许你可以使用Tag来判断,这由你而定。随后通过 RemoveAt 方法来进行Delete操作。值得注意还有一个参数需要说说, MsoCTPDockPosition 改变Panel的 DockPosition 排列方式。一般使用Float即可。
// // 摘要: // Specifies the docking behavior of the custom task pane. public enum MsoCTPDockPosition { // // 摘要: // Dock the task pane on the left side of the document window. msoCTPDockPositionLeft = 0, // // 摘要: // Dock the task pane at the top of the document window. msoCTPDockPositionTop = 1, // // 摘要: // Dock the task pane on the right side of the document window. msoCTPDockPositionRight = 2, // // 摘要: // Dock the task pane at the bottom of the document window. msoCTPDockPositionBottom = 3, // // 摘要: // Don't dock the task pane. msoCTPDockPositionFloating = 4 }
你以为这样你的项目中就生效了吗,你还需要将 Controlid 改为Custom,如果你想要第二个TabRibbon,你不需要在创建一个Ribbon,如果你创建了2个,那将都不显示,所有只能再创建一个Tab绑定一个 Controlid 。此时此刻,如图所示,已经达到了我们的效果。