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第1章 JavaScript简介

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2022-05-30
1. 探索JavaScript 尝试少量JS代码,可以打开浏览器的Web开发者工具(F12、Ctrl+Shift+I、Command+Option+I) 也可以下载Node后,打开终端,输入node并回车,输入JS代码 2. Hello World 当需要运行长段
1. 探索JavaScript
  1. 尝试少量JS代码,可以打开浏览器的Web开发者工具(F12、Ctrl+Shift+I、Command+Option+I)
  2. 也可以下载Node后,打开终端,输入node并回车,输入JS代码

2. Hello World


3. JavaScript之旅
  1. 第2章: 解释JavaScript注释、分号和Unicode字符集
  2. 第3章: 解释JavaScript变量以及可以赋给这些变量的值
  3. 第4章: 表达式
  4. 第5章: 语句
  5. 第6章: 对象
  6. 第7章: 数组
  7. 第8章: 函数
  8. 第9章: 面对对象编程
  9. 第10章: 模块
  10. 第11章: JavaScript标准库
  11. 第12章: 迭代器与生成器
  12. 第13章: 异步JavaScript
  13. 第14章: 元编程
  14. 第15章: 浏览器中的JavaScript
  15. 第16章: Node服务器端JavaScript
  16. 第17章: JavaScript工具和扩展

4. 示例:字符频率柱形图
 * This Node program reads text from standard input, computes the frequency
 * of each letter in that text, and displays a histogram of the most
 * frequently used characters. It requires Node 12 or higher to run.
 * In a Unix-type environment you can invoke the program like this:
 *    node charfreq.js < corpus.txt

// This class extends Map so that the get() method returns the specified
// value instead of null when the key is not in the map
class DefaultMap extends Map {
    constructor(defaultValue) {
        super();                          // Invoke superclass constructor
        this.defaultValue = defaultValue; // Remember the default value

    get(key) {
        if (this.has(key)) {              // If the key is already in the map
            return super.get(key);        // return its value from superclass.
        else {
            return this.defaultValue;     // Otherwise return the default value

// This class computes and displays letter frequency histograms
class Histogram {
    constructor() {
        this.letterCounts = new DefaultMap(0);  // Map from letters to counts
        this.totalLetters = 0;                  // How many letters in all

    // This function updates the histogram with the letters of text.
    add(text) {
        // Remove whitespace from the text, and convert to upper case
        text = text.replace(/\s/g, "").toUpperCase();

        // Now loop through the characters of the text
        for(let character of text) {
            let count = this.letterCounts.get(character); // Get old count
            this.letterCounts.set(character, count+1);    // Increment it

    // Convert the histogram to a string that displays an ASCII graphic
    toString() {
        // Convert the Map to an array of [key,value] arrays
        let entries = [...this.letterCounts];

        // Sort the array by count, then alphabetically
        entries.sort((a,b) => {              // A function to define sort order.
            if (a[1] === b[1]) {             // If the counts are the same
                return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : 1; // sort alphabetically.
            } else {                         // If the counts differ
                return b[1] - a[1];          // sort by largest count.

        // Convert the counts to percentages
        for(let entry of entries) {
            entry[1] = entry[1] / this.totalLetters*100;

        // Drop any entries less than 1%
        entries = entries.filter(entry => entry[1] >= 1);

        // Now convert each entry to a line of text
        let lines = entries.map(
            ([l,n]) => `${l}: ${"#".repeat(Math.round(n))} ${n.toFixed(2)}%`

        // And return the concatenated lines, separated by newline characters.
        return lines.join("\n");

// This async (Promise-returning) function creates a Histogram object,
// asynchronously reads chunks of text from standard input, and adds those chunks to
// the histogram. When it reaches the end of the stream, it returns this histogram
async function histogramFromStdin() {
    process.stdin.setEncoding("utf-8"); // Read Unicode strings, not bytes
    let histogram = new Histogram();
    for await (let chunk of process.stdin) {
    return histogram;

// This one final line of code is the main body of the program.
// It makes a Histogram object from standard input, then prints the histogram.
histogramFromStdin().then(histogram => { console.log(histogram.toString()); });

注:在编译器上使用node charfreq.js < charfreq.js会报错,是因为编译器终端选择的是powershell而不是cmd,可以通过更改编译器终端或使用cmd打开代码来解决这个问题。
5. 小结

