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Spring Data Jpa实现自定义repository转DTO

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-04-30
近期项目中需要 关联 几张表再把字段转出来,在这里记录以下,我感觉网上写的都不太规范和清晰。 @Entity@SqlResultSetMapping( name="TestMapping", entities = { @EntityResult( entityClass = com.xxx.xx.dat

近期项目中需要 关联 几张表再把字段转出来,在这里记录以下,我感觉网上写的都不太规范和清晰。

    entities = {
            entityClass = com.xxx.xx.data.model.TestEntity.class,
            fields = {
    query="select tableC.id as id,tableB.time,tableC.maximumAppointment as maxAppointment from tableB " +
        "               inner join tableA on tableA.id = tableB.tableAId " +
        "               inner join tableC on tableB.id = tableC.tableBId " +
        "               inner join custom on custom.id = tableA.customId " +
        "where " +
        "  tableA.locationId = :locationId" +
        "  and custom.id = :customId" +
        "  and tableB.deleted = false ", resultSetMapping="TestMapping")
public class TestEntity {
  private String id;
  private LocalTime localTime;
  private Integer maximumAppointment;


public interface TestEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<TestEntity,String> {

  List<TestEntity> getTestQuery(String locationId, String customId);


若不想声明接口,那可以用EntityManager 来实现。

CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();

