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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-03-22
?xml version = " 1.0" encoding = " UTF-8" ? !DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" mapper namespace = "com.baizhi.ty.dao.CategoryDAO" resultMap type = "Category" id = "CategoryMap" id column = "fi

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" ><mapper namespace="com.baizhi.ty.dao.CategoryDAO"> <resultMap type="Category" id="CategoryMap"> <id column="firstId" property="id"/> <result column="firstname" property="categoryname" /> <result column="category_id" property="category_id"/> <result column="goodscounts" property="goodscounts"/> <collection property="children" javaType="java.util.List" ofType="category"> <id column="secondId" property="id"/> <result column="secondname" property="categoryname"/> <result column="category_id" property="category_id"/> <result column="goodscounts2" property="goodscounts"/> </collection> </resultMap> <!-- //查询出类别 List<Category> selectAllCategory(); --> <select id="selectAllCategory" resultMap="CategoryMap"> select d1.id as firstId ,d1.categoryname as firstname, d1.goodscounts, d2.id as secondId,d2.categoryname as secondname, d2.category_id,d2.goodscounts from d_category d1 left join d_category d2 on d1.id = d2.category_id where d1.category_id is null </select> <!-- //查询一级类别 Category selectOneCategory(@Param("oneId")Integer oneId); --> <select id="selectOneCategory" resultMap="CategoryMap"> select d1.id as firstId ,d1.categoryname as firstname, d1.goodscounts, d2.id as secondId,d2.categoryname as secondname, d2.category_id,d2.goodscounts as goodscounts2 from d_category d1 left join d_category d2 on d1.id = d2.category_id where d1.category_id is null <!-- 二级类别 --> <if test="oneId !=null "> and d2.category_id = ${oneId} </if> <!-- 一级类别 --> <if test="oneId == null"> and d1.id = ${twoId} </if> </select> <!-- //显示位置 Category selectpositionCategory(@Param("oneId")Integer oneId,@Param("twoId")Integer twoId); --> <select id="selectpositionCategory" resultMap="CategoryMap"> select d1.id as firstId ,d1.categoryname as firstname, d1.goodscounts, d2.id as secondId,d2.categoryname as secondname, d2.category_id,d2.goodscounts as goodscounts2 from d_category d1 left join d_category d2 on d1.id = d2.category_id where d1.category_id is null <!-- 二级类别 --> <if test="oneId !=null "> and d2.id = ${twoId} </if> <!-- 一级类别 --> <if test="oneId == null"> and d1.id = ${twoId} </if> </select> <!--(1) 编辑推荐 --> <!-- //查询书的信息 public Good selectById(String twoId); --> <select id="selectById" resultType="Good"> select * from d_good where id=#{id} </select> <!-- //查询书的信息 List<Good> selectGood(); --> <select id="selectGood" resultType="Good"> select id,oneid,twoid,goodname,goodprice,dangprice,middleprice,grade,author,fromarea,fromtime,banci, printtime,isbn,zishu,yeshu,kaiben,paper,baozhuang,isup,imguri,sellnum from d_good where isup=1 </select> <!-- 查询图书的总个数集合 Integer selectAllBook();--> <select id="selectAllBook" resultType="Integer"> select count(*) from d_good where <if test="oneId==null"> oneId=${twoId} </if> <if test="oneId!=null"> twoId=${twoId} </if> </select> <!--分页查询图书 --> <select id="queryPageBook" resultType="Good"> select * from ( select e.*,rownum rn from (select * from ( select * from d_good where <if test="oneId==null"> oneId=${twoId} </if> <if test="oneId!=null"> twoId=${twoId} </if> ) order by ${order}) e ) where rn between ${beginResult} and ${lastResult} </select> <!--(2)新书上架 --> <!-- //新销书 List<Good> selectNewBook();--> <select id="selectNewBook" resultType="Good"> select b.* from ( select a.*,rownum rn from ( select id,oneid,twoid,goodname,goodprice,dangprice,middleprice,grade,author,fromarea,fromtime,banci, printtime,isbn,zishu,yeshu,kaiben,paper,baozhuang,isup,imguri,sellnum from d_good order by fromtime desc )a)b where rn between 1 and 8 </select> <!--(3)热卖图书 --> <!-- //热销书 List<Good> selectHotBook(); --> <select id="selectHotBook" resultType="Good"> select b.* from ( select a.*,rownum rn from ( select id,oneid,twoid,goodname,goodprice,dangprice,middleprice,grade,author,fromarea,fromtime,banci, printtime,isbn,zishu,yeshu,kaiben,paper,baozhuang,isup,imguri,sellnum from d_good order by sellnum desc )a)b where rn between 1 and 8 </select> <!--(4)新书热卖 --> <!-- //新热销书 List<Good> selectHotAndNewBook();--> <select id="selectHotAndNewBook" resultType="Good"> select b.* from ( select a.*,rownum rn from ( select * from d_good order by fromtime desc,sellnum desc )a)b where rn between 1 and 8 </select> <!--添加部门sql--> <insert id="insertDept"> <selectKey keyProperty="id" order="BEFORE" resultType="String"> select seq_dept.nextval from dual <!-- select sys_guid() from dual --> </selectKey> insert into department1(id,name) values(#{id},#{name}) </insert> </mapper>