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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-07-02
LookInsideGDSIIInanattempttoaddressthathelplessfeelingthatcomeswhenaGDSIIfilewillsometime Look Inside GDSII In an attempt to address that helpless feeling that comes when a GDSII file will sometimes not work, a simple CPP program has been wr
LookInsideGDSIIInanattempttoaddressthathelplessfeelingthatcomeswhenaGDSIIfilewillsometime Look Inside GDSII

In an attempt to address that helpless feeling that comes when a GDSII file will sometimes not work, a simple CPP program has been written to be able to look inside and experiment with a GDSII binary file.M1TEST.jpguploading.4e448015.gif转存失败重新上传取消M1TEST.jpg An IC layout essentially involves the placement of objects often referred to as geometries. Geometries are things like boxes (polygons), paths (wires), text (strings), etc. Transistors are made out of a collection of geometries  grouped together in a file which is called a cell. A circuit mainly involves just placing a bunch of transistor cells together and wiring  all their nodes up using metal layer wires. Text can (should) be added to make the layout process much easier. The layout below adds an example of all those geometries.Both GDSII and layout files are normally stored in binary format. ICEDIT also has a way to print out a layout in text format.ICEDIT.txt! Selected components in M1TEST: ADD  BOX             LAYERMET1  ID1                           AT (-23.1, 12.5) (-6.4, 32.5) ADD  CELL "AT_ZERO"              ID5                           AT (  0.0,  0.0) ADD  TEXT"VCC2"     LAYERMET1  ID4  SIZE2.000  JUSTLB  R1  AT (-18.7, 14.4) ADD  TEXT"VCC"      LAYERMET1  ID3  SIZE3.000  JUSTLB      AT (-17.0, 25.4) ADD  WIRE            LAYERMET2  ID6  TYPE2  WIDTH1.800      AT ( -0.7,  5.9) (6.2, 5.9) (6.2,-5.3) ADD  WIRE            LAYERMET1  ID2  TYPE2  WIDTH1.400      AT (-12.1, 23.0) GDSII.txt HEADER         Release # 3   BGNLIB         LIBNAME  M1TEST.DB   FONTS GDSII:CALMAFONT.TX   GENERATIONS 3  UNITS   0.001  1e-09   BGNSTR         STRNAME  M1TEST   BOUNDARY       LAYER   8   DATATYPE 0   XY            -23100 32500 -23100 12500 -6400 12500 -6400 32500 -23100 32500  ENDEL   PATH           LAYER   8   DATATYPE 0   PATHTYPE 2     WIDTH     1400   XY            -12100 23000 25600 23000 25600 11700 40400 11700  ENDEL   TEXT           LAYER   8   TEXTTYPE 0   PRESENTATION 8   STRANS none  MAG 3  XY            -17000 25400  STRING         VCC   ENDEL   TEXT           LAYER   8   TEXTTYPE 0   PRESENTATION 8   STRANS none  MAG 2  ANGLE 90   XY            -18700 14400  STRING         VCC2   ENDEL   SREF           SNAME     AT_ZERO   STRANS none  XY            0 0  ENDEL   PATH           LAYER   10   DATATYPE 0   PATHTYPE 2     WIDTH     1800   XY            -700 5900 6200 5900 6200 -5300  ENDEL   ENDSTR   BGNSTR         STRNAME  AT_ZERO   BOUNDARY       LAYER   50   DATATYPE 1   XY            -1000 0 -1000 -1000 0 -1000 0 0 -1000 0  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   50   DATATYPE 1   XY            0 1000 0 0 1000 0 1000 1000 0 1000  ENDEL   ENDSTR   ENDLIB  The listing above is from a printout from a simple GDSII file reader. This programs just reads each block one at a time and prints out the Block Name ID and the value(s) contained within. Hopefully it should be possible to read and printout a troublesome GDSII stream file until it gets into trouble. And then go in and maybe adjust some code to look at  troublesome areas . There are some name changes between the ICEDIT format and GDSII.Boxes (polygons) are indicated by the BOUNDARY ID. Wires (path) are PATHS which have a width. A Cell seems to the geometries contained  inside the BGNSTR  and ENDSTR IDs. The placement of a cell appears to use the SREF ID. All Cells which are referenced are completely contained in the GDSII file. BiCMOSLAYERS.cmd VIEW OFF $ MENU "M1";                       KEEP_LIBRARY_CELLSASK;   DISPLAY CELL_DEPTH100; PATTERN     "SAMPLE";              FILL MIXED ON AUTOPAN ON  PIXELS100             SECONDS0.5;              ARROW MODEEDIT DISPLAY     CELL_LABELSON         OUTLINE_DEPTH1           EDIT_STACKOFF  CURSOR 1           SNAPON SPACER OFF  SPACE0.0              TRACK_LAYERSOFF          STYLE1 VIEW        LIMIT ON               SCALE0.100               DEPTH1         DOTS0 UNITS0.0   SHOW_LAYERS 1:* ARRAY       DRAW_MODESIDES        CELL_LIMIT1024 TEXT        LOWER_CASEDISABLED    MULTI_LINE_TEXTDISABLED  ORIENTATIONS2  DISPLAY_ORIGINSOFF USE         TEXT_JUSTIFICATIONLB  WIRE_TYPE2               ARC_TYPE2      N_SIDES16 RESOLUTION  STEP0.100             MODESOFT SNAP        ANGLE45               STEP(0.100,0.100)        OFFSET(0.000,0.000) NEAR        UNITS0.05             DOTS4 GRID 1  ON   COLORRED     DOTS     STEP1.0 GRID 2  ON   COLORCYAN    CROSSES  STEP5 GRID 3  OFF  COLORWHITE   LINES    STEP50000 LAYER 1   NAMENWEL     WIDTH1.300  SPACE4.200  DIM_BLUE  PAT13   PEN16  NO_CIF    STREAM1,0 LAYER 2   NAMECOMP     WIDTH1.000  SPACE1.700  ORANGE    PAT29   PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM2,0 LAYER 3   NAMEPFIELD   WIDTH4.300  SPACE2.200  GRAY      PAT0    PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM3,0 LAYER 4   NAMEPOLY     WIDTH1.000  SPACE1.000  GREEN     PAT20   PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM4,0 LAYER 5   NAMENPLUS    WIDTH1.300  SPACE0.000  YELLOW    PAT15   PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM5,0 LAYER 6   NAMEPPLUS    WIDTH1.300  SPACE0.000  ORANGE    PAT15   PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM6,0 LAYER 7   NAMECONT     WIDTH1.000  SPACE1.000  WHITE     PAT1    PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM7,0 LAYER 8   NAMEMET1     WIDTH1.400  SPACE1.200  CYAN      PAT3    PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM8,0 LAYER 9   NAMEVIA      WIDTH1.000  SPACE1.000  YELLOW    PAT1    PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM9,0 LAYER 10  NAMEMET2     WIDTH1.800  SPACE1.400  RED       PAT13   PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM10,0 LAYER 40  NAMENBURIED  WIDTH1.000  SPACE0.000  YELLOW    PAT34   PEN*   NO_CIF    STREAM21,0 There are some detail set by Process_Layer_File which will define things like resolution and calma number for each layer. A edited version of this file is shown above.Cell_Placement_DetailsThings like cell rotation and hierarchy need to be included in a GDSII file as well. The text printout for this layout above shows only cell placement and rotation information.MYCELL.jpguploading.4e448015.gif转存失败重新上传取消MYCELL.jpgICEDIT.txtADD  CELL "NMOS"     ID143      AT (-1.8, 7.3) ADD  CELL "AT_ZERO"  ID141      AT ( 0.0, 0.0) ADD  CELL "NMOS"     ID146  MY  AT ( 6.3,-1.5) ADD  CELL "NMOS"     ID145  MX  AT (16.4, 7.3) ADD  CELL "NMOS"     ID144  R1  AT ( 7.5, 6.6)This is not a problem for layout since the all the cell are usually contained in one directory. But the GDSII file needs to contain all cell geometries including  cells that are placed inside other cells.  GDSII.txt HEADER         Release # 3   BGNLIB         LIBNAME  MYCELL.DB   FONTS GDSII:CALMAFONT.TX   GENERATIONS 3  UNITS   0.001  1e-09   BGNSTR         STRNAME  MYCELL   SREF           SNAME     AT_ZERO STRANS none                XY 0 0  ENDEL   SREF           SNAME     NMOS    STRANS none                XY -1800 7300  ENDEL   SREF           SNAME     NMOS    STRANS none     ANGLE 90   XY 7500 6600  ENDEL   SREF           SNAME     NMOS    STRANS reflect  ANGLE 180  XY 16400 7300  ENDEL   SREF           SNAME     NMOS    STRANS reflect             XY 6300 -1500  ENDEL   ENDSTR   BGNSTR         STRNAME  AT_ZERO   BOUNDARY       LAYER   50   DATATYPE 1   XY            -1000 0 -1000 -1000 0 -1000 0 0 -1000 0  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   50   DATATYPE 1   XY            0 1000 0 0 1000 0 1000 1000 0 1000  ENDEL   ENDSTR   BGNSTR         STRNAME  NMOS   BOUNDARY       LAYER   5   DATATYPE 0   XY            -1500 3600 -1500 -3700 1500 -3700 1500 3600 -1500 3600  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   7   DATATYPE 0   XY            2900 500 2900 -500 3900 -500 3900 500 2900 500  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   8   DATATYPE 0   XY            2600 800 2600 -800 4200 -800 4200 800 2600 800  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   4   DATATYPE 0   XY            2200 1100 4500 1100 4500 -1200 2200 -1200 2200 -500 -2600 -500 -2600 500 2200 500 2200 1100  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   7   DATATYPE 0   XY            -500 -1700 -500 -2700 500 -2700 500 -1700 -500 -1700  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   8   DATATYPE 0   XY            -800 -1400 -800 -3000 800 -3000 800 -1400 -800 -1400  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   7   DATATYPE 0   XY            -500 2500 -500 1500 500 1500 500 2500 -500 2500  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   8   DATATYPE 0   XY            -800 2800 -800 1200 800 1200 800 2800 -800 2800  ENDEL   BOUNDARY       LAYER   2   DATATYPE 0   XY            -1100 -1100 -600 -1100 -600 900 -1100 900 -1100 3100 1100 3100 1100 900 500 900 500                 -1100 1100 -1100 1100 -3300 -1100 -3300 -1100 -1100  ENDEL   SREF           SNAME  AT_ZERO   STRANS none  XY            0 0  ENDEL   ENDSTR   ENDLIB The GFDSII format of storing all information is shown above. Apparantly a mirror in the X direction is being done with a reflection and a 180 degree rotation. The simple GDSII_read_Program is given here for reference sake only. This program is written more in a style to make some hard to see critical details stand out. It was written on a MacBook and is intended more for personal debugging purposes. There are several GDSII translation programs online which do the same thing. The latest mac version is GdsDump-OSX. So far, the GdsDump-OSX program has yet to crash on a GDSII file.  For information sake, the following are listings of the various types of blocks.GDSII_REFNr Code Mnemonic      Data Type description 0  0002 HEADER        Two-Byte Signed Integer version number 1  0102 BGNLIB        Two-Byte Signed Integer begin of library, last modification date and time 2  0206 LIBNAME       Two-Byte Signed Integer name of library 3  0305 UNITS         Eight-Byte Real user and database units 4  0400 ENDLIB        No Data end of library 5  0502 BGNSTR        Two-Byte Signed Integer begin of structure creation and modification time 6  0606 STRNAME       ASCII string name of structure 7  0700 ENDSTR        No Data end of structure 8  0800 BOUNDARY      No Data begin of boundary element 9  0900 PATH          No Data begin of path element 10 0A00 SREF          No Data begin of structure reference element 11 0B00 AREF          No Data begin of array reference element 12 0C00 TEXT          No Data begin of text element 13 0D02 LAYER         Two-Byte Signed Integer layer number of element 14 0E02 DATATYPE      Two-Byte Signed Integer Datatype number of element 15 0F03 WIDTH         Four-Byte Signed Integer width of element in db units 16 1003 XY            Four-Byte Signed Integer list of xy coordinates in db units 17 1100 ENDEL         No Data end of element 18 1206 SNAME         ASCII string name of structure reference 19 1302 COLROW        Two-Byte Signed Integer number of colomns and rows in array reference 21 1500 NODE          No Data begin of node element 22 1602 TEXTTYPE      Two-Byte Signed Integer texttype number 23 1701 PRESENTATION  Bit Array text presentation, font 25 1906 STRING        ASCII string character string for text element 26 1A01 STRANS        Bit Array array reference, structure reference and text transform flags 27 1B05 MAG           Eight Byte Real magnification factor for text and references 28 1C05 ANGLE         Eight Byte Real rotation angle for text and references 31 1F06 REFLIBS       ASCII string name of referenced libraries 32 2006 FONTS         ASCII string name of text fonts definition files 33 2102 PATHTYPE      Two-Byte Signed Integer type of PATH element end ( rounded, square) 34 2202 GENERATIONS   Two-Byte Signed Integer number of deleted structure ????? 35 2306 ATTRTABLE     ASCII string attribute table, used in combination with element properties 38 2601 ELFLAGS       Two-Byte Signed Integer template data 42 2A02 NODETYPE      Two-Byte Signed Integer node type number for NODE element 43 2B02 PROPATTR      Two-Byte Signed Integer attribute number 44 2C06 PROPVALUE     ASCII string attribute name 45 2D00 BOX           No Data begin of box element 46 2E02 BOXTYPE       Two-Byte Signed Integer boxtype for box element 47 2F03 PLEX          Four-Byte Signed Integer plex number 50 3202 TAPENUM       Two-Byte Signed Integer Tape Number 51 3302 TAPECODE      Two-Byte Signed Integer Tape code 54 3602 FORMAT        Two-Byte Signed Integer format type 55 3706 MASK          ASCII string list of layers 56 3800 ENDMASKS      No Data end of MASK

