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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-07-02
IveimportedsomedatacomCSVfilesandendedupwithafewrecordscontainingthestring\r\ni I've imported some data com CSV files and ended up with a few records containing the string "\r\n" in a column. When exporting to a CSV again, these lines screw

I've imported some data com CSV files and ended up with a few records containing the string "\r\n" in a column. When exporting to a CSV again, these lines screw up the lines as they insert a new line where it should not...

我导入了一些data com CSV文件,最后得到了一些记录,其中包含列中的字符串“\r\n”。当再次导出到CSV时,这些行会把这些行搞砸,因为它们插入了一个不应该……

I've tried to remove with a Rake task, but it seems that ActiveRecord is not issuing an UPDATE query and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong...


This is what I'm doing:


Contact.all.each {|c| next if c.address.nil? || !c.address.include?("\r\n"); c.address.gsub!("\r\n", " - "); c.save; }

This is the output from a rails c -s session:

这是rails c -s会话的输出:

(1.7ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1(0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1(0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1(0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1(0.1ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1(0.1ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1(0.0ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1(0.0ms) RELEASE SAVEPOINT active_record_1

There is no UPDATE issued...


Any ideas of why it's not working?


2 个解决方案



Your problem is that gsub! modifies the string in-place:


gsub!(pattern, replacement) → str or nil gsub!(pattern) {|match| block } → str or nil gsub!(pattern) → an_enumerator

gsub !(替换模式)→str或零gsub !(模式){ | |块匹配}→str或零gsub !(模式)→an_enumerator

Performs the substitutions of String#gsub in place, returning str, or nil if no substitutions were performed. [...]


gsub is quite happy to have a String as its first argument:


gsub(pattern, replacement) → new_str gsub(pattern, hash) → new_str gsub(pattern) {|match| block } → new_str gsub(pattern) → enumerator

gsub(模式、更换)→new_str gsub(模式、散列)→new_str gsub(模式){ | |块匹配}→new_str gsub(模式)→枚举器

[...] The pattern is typically a Regexp; if given as a String, any regular expression metacharacters it contains will be interpreted literally [...]


So s.gsub!("\r\n", ' - ') and s.gsub!(/\r\n/, ' - ') will have exactly the same effect.

所以s.gsub !(“\r\n”、“-”)及s.gsub!(/\r\n/, ' - ')将产生完全相同的效果。

So what happens when you use gsub!? If you do this:


c.address.gsub!("\r\n", " - ")

you change c.address in a way that ActiveRecord won't recognize. For example, try this in the Rails console:


> c = Address.find(some_valid_id)> c.address.gsub!('e', 'x') # Assuming that the address has an 'e' in it of course...> c.changed? => false> c.address_changed? => false

So you've changed the address string but ActiveRecord won't know because c.address will still be the same String object. Since ActiveRecord doesn't think anything has changed, c.save won't do anything.


If you switch to the gsub version:


c.address = c.address.gsub("\r\n", ' - ')

then you will be replacing c.address with a whole new String and c.address_changed? and c.changed? will both be true. Now ActiveRecord will recognize that you've changed c and c.save (or c.save!) will send an UPDATE into your database.


Note that gsub! sometimes returning nil is wholly irrelevant here, nothing in your code looks at what gsub! returns so it doesn't matter what it returns.

请注意,gsub !有时返回nil完全无关紧要,代码中没有任何东西可以查看gsub!返回所以它返回什么并不重要。

I'd probably do this sort of thing right inside the database with SQL but the specifics of how you'd do that depend on the underlying database. I cringe whenever my I want to say Model.all because I'm used to dealing with big databases where using all is just a convenient way to thrash your memory.




Use String.encode(universal_newline: true) instead gsub. It converting CRLF and CR to LF

