PossiblefixforseveralreportsTherearethreepiecestothisbug.First, Possible fix for several reports There are three pieces to this bug. First, on windows path's can contain forward slashes, ordouble back slashes. For example 1data/author.json o
Possible fix for several reports
There are three pieces to this bug.
First, on windows path's can contain forward slashes, ordouble back slashes. For example
1data\\author.jsonSecond, Node's
1path.joinreturns the second on Windows.
Third, the
1git showcommand behaves oddly with the former:
1git show HEAD:data/author.jsonReturns the contents of the file
1git show HEAD:data/dne.jsonThrows an error, and finally
1git show HEAD:data\\author.jsonreturns an empty string.
This very well may be a bug in Git. I'm not sure.
I wonder if there's an ESLint option for that?