使用Java开发仓库管理系统的分割式储存和混合仓储功能 随着物流行业的发展,仓库管理系统在提高仓储效率和减少人工操作上发挥了重要作用。Java作为一种广泛使用的编程语言,为开
- 分割式储存功能
public class Warehouse { private List<StorageArea> storageAreas; // 构造方法初始化多个储存区域 public Warehouse() { storageAreas = new ArrayList<>(); storageAreas.add(new StorageArea("A", 100)); storageAreas.add(new StorageArea("B", 200)); storageAreas.add(new StorageArea("C", 150)); } // 将商品存储到指定的区域 public void storeProduct(Product product, String areaName) { for (StorageArea area : storageAreas) { if (area.getName().equals(areaName)) { area.storeProduct(product); break; } } } // 从指定区域取出指定数量的商品 public List<Product> retrieveProduct(String areaName, int quantity) { List<Product> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (StorageArea area : storageAreas) { if (area.getName().equals(areaName)) { result = area.retrieveProduct(quantity); break; } } return result; } } public class StorageArea { private String name; private int capacity; private List<Product> products; public StorageArea(String name, int capacity) { this.name = name; this.capacity = capacity; products = new ArrayList<>(); } public void storeProduct(Product product) { if (products.size() < capacity) { products.add(product); System.out.println("商品存储成功!"); } else { System.out.println("该区域已满,无法继续存储商品!"); } } public List<Product> retrieveProduct(int quantity) { List<Product> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (products.size() >= quantity) { for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { result.add(products.remove(0)); } System.out.println("商品取出成功!"); } else { System.out.println("该区域商品数量不足!"); } return result; } // getters and setters... } public class Product { private String name; private double price; // getters and setters... }
- 混合仓储功能
public class Warehouse { private Map<String, List<Product>> productCategories; public Warehouse() { productCategories = new HashMap<>(); } public void storeProduct(Product product, String category) { if (!productCategories.containsKey(category)) { productCategories.put(category, new ArrayList<>()); } productCategories.get(category).add(product); System.out.println("商品存储成功!"); } public List<Product> retrieveProduct(String category, int quantity) { if (!productCategories.containsKey(category)) { System.out.println("该类别商品不存在!"); return new ArrayList<>(); } List<Product> categoryProducts = productCategories.get(category); List<Product> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (categoryProducts.size() >= quantity) { for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { result.add(categoryProducts.remove(0)); } System.out.println("商品取出成功!"); } else { System.out.println("该类别商品数量不足!"); } return result; } } public class Product { private String name; private double price; // getters and setters... }