我正在构建一个使用推送通知的Cordova / Phonegap的iOS应用程序. 我正在使用PushPlugin在客户端应用程序中实现通知. 我已经设置了APNS方面的东西,当我的应用程序暂停或关闭时发送通知时,通
Can't find variable: onNotificationAPN
2014-03-02 23:12:58.746 EASP 2014[5792:60b] Notification received 2014-03-02 23:12:58.747 EASP 2014[5792:60b] Msg: {"alert":"testing...",foreground:"1"}
// SET UP PUSH NOTIFICATIONS var pushNotification; pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification; if ( device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android' ) { pushNotification.register( successHandler, errorHandler, { "senderID":"<xxxxx>", "ecb":"onNotificationGCM" } ); } else { pushNotification.register( tokenHandler, errorHandler, { "badge":"false", "sound":"false", "alert":"true", "ecb":"onNotificationAPN" } ); } // result contains any message sent from the plugin call function successHandler (result) { console.log('result = ' + result); navigator.notification.alert( result, onConfirm, 'Title of app', 'Dismiss' ); } // result contains any error description text returned from the plugin call function errorHandler (error) { console.log('error = ' + error); } function tokenHandler (result) { var uuid = device.uuid; var platform = device.platform; console.log(platform); if (platform == 'iOS'){ var os = 'ios'; } else { var os = 'android'; } hash = result+'<title of app>'; hash = md5(hash); var xmlHttp = null; xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = 'https://<notification server>/?token='+result+'&id='+uuid+'&hash='+hash+'&os='+os; xmlHttp.open( "GET", url, false ); xmlHttp.send( null ); console.log(xmlHttp.responseText); return xmlHttp.responseText; } // iOS function onNotificationAPN (event) { console.log(event); if ( event.alert ) { navigator.notification.alert(event.alert); //alert(event.alert); } if ( event.sound ) { var snd = new Media(event.sound); snd.play(); } if ( event.badge ) { pushNotification.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(successHandler, errorHandler, event.badge); } } function receivedEvent(id) { navigator.notification.alert( id, onConfirm, '<title of app>', 'Dismiss' ); } function onConfirm(buttonIndex,id) { }经过一些挖掘后管理让它工作.
// SET UP PUSH NOTIFICATIONS var addCallback = function addCallback(key, callback) { if (window.pushCallbacks === undefined) { window.pushCallbacks = {} } window.pushCallbacks[key] = callback; }; var pushNotification; pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification; if ( device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android' ) { pushNotification.register( successHandler, errorHandler, { "senderID":"<xxxxx>", "ecb":"onNotificationGCM" } ); } else { pushNotification.register( tokenHandler, errorHandler, { "badge":"true", "sound":"true", "alert":"true", "ecb":"pushCallbacks.onNotificationAPN" } ); } // result contains any message sent from the plugin call function successHandler (result) { console.log('result = ' + result); navigator.notification.alert( result, onConfirm, '<title of app>', 'Dismiss' ); } // result contains any error description text returned from the plugin call function errorHandler (error) { console.log('error = ' + error); } function tokenHandler (result) { var uuid = device.uuid; var platform = device.platform; console.log(platform); if (platform == 'iOS'){ var os = 'ios'; } else { var os = 'android'; } hash = result+'<title of app>'; hash = md5(hash); var xmlHttp = null; xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = '<title of app>/?token='+result+'&id='+uuid+'&hash='+hash+'&os='+os; console.log('URL IS: '+url); xmlHttp.open( "GET", url, false ); xmlHttp.send( null ); console.log(xmlHttp.responseText); addCallback('onNotificationAPN', onNotificationAPN); return xmlHttp.responseText; } // iOS function onNotificationAPN (event) { if ( event.alert ) { navigator.notification.alert(event.alert); } if ( event.sound ) { var snd = new Media(event.sound); snd.play(); } if ( event.badge ) { pushNotification.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(successHandler, errorHandler, event.badge); } } function receivedEvent(id) { navigator.notification.alert( id, onConfirm, '<title of app>', 'Dismiss' ); } function onConfirm(buttonIndex,id) { }
var addCallback = function addCallback(key, callback) { if (window.pushCallbacks === undefined) { window.pushCallbacks = {} } window.pushCallbacks[key] = callback; };