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The Nature of Recognition

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-10
The Nature of Recognition [Idea Logs] Recognition is born with Memory . While memory comes from the observation of the world, inside and outside. To obey the great law of [Existing in the most energy saving manner], The memory only logs the

The Nature of Recognition
[Idea Logs]
Recognition is born with Memory.
While memory comes from the observation of the world, inside and outside.
To obey the great law of [Existing in the most energy saving manner],
The memory only logs the stable and tough patterns observed.
I.E. Only things that keep the same in varying observations will be memorised.
However, those invariant information may not be so easily to get, thus,
the links in our brain re-organize themselves to reach a stable latent
representation of information from the world.
And this reorganization process is just the learning.

Guided Learning is a process of controlling staged world state to which a learning system only have the access, to guide
the links reorganize to the supposed inner representation, and the outer respond will be led towards that it is supposed to be.


引导学习就是就是通过控制阶段性外部世界的状态来定向的指导神经连接的重构过程。并且通过控制外部世界的状态来驱使 神经系统朝向预期的内部表征上进化。当内部表征达到预期时,外部响应也自然达到目的。
