第一篇文章在这里…如果这格式不正确,我道歉…我将继续努力.我正在开发一个Power shell脚本,它将获取以下信息,以便我可以使用另一个完全适用于此点的批处理文件.随着我对Powershell的
TL:DR Newb与Powershell合作需要帮助
file creation date_full path to filename
$USS_Folder="path\USS_Files\" $uss_year=#4 digit year of file creation date $uss_month=#2 digit year of file creation date $uss_file=# Full filename including path and Creation_Date New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $USS_Folder\$uss_year\$uss_month Move-Item $uss_file $USS_Folder\$uss_year\$uss_month因此,花了一些时间倾注了许多填充脚本的页面……我想出了下面的解决方案并进行了修改以满足我的需求……我将它用于生产并且效果很好.告诉我你的想法.
<# File modified by Joshua as taken from http://www.marcvalk.net/2012/06/powershell-moving-files-into-subfolder-based-on-date/ Set Variables of Source folder and Destination folder Assign variable of files to be the files with uss extension For each file with uss extension assign the Directory variable the information for file creation year and month if the year and month folder do not exist, then create them from file creation information Move file to sub-folder of year and month from file creation information passed into Directory variable #> $SourceDir = "path to uss files\USS_Files\" $DestinationDir = "path to uss files\USS_Files\" $files = get-childitem $SourceDir *.uss foreach ($file in $files) { $Directory = $DestinationDir + "" + $file.CreationTime.Date.ToString('yyyy') + "\" + $file.CreationTime.Date.ToString('MM-MMM') if (!(Test-Path $Directory)) { New-Item $directory -type directory } Move-Item $file.fullname $Directory }