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如何使用Keychain访问来存储iPhone App中的密码?

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-11
有人能告诉我如何在Keychain中存储信息吗?它有多安全? Simple iPhone Keychain Code Apple: iPhone Keychain Backups Is There Any Point To Using The Keychain API On iPhone? “What you’re left with is an encrypted flat-fi
有人能告诉我如何在Keychain中存储信息吗?它有多安全? > Simple iPhone Keychain Code
> Apple: iPhone Keychain Backups
> Is There Any Point To Using The Keychain API On iPhone?

“What you’re left with is an encrypted flat-file database, specialized for just a few data types, with a really clunky and badly documented API. As I wrote above, its functionality could be duplicated, with a better API, without much effort. The encryption part is significant, though, since its primary purpose is to keep keys and passwords safe. A DIY key database could be protected by encrypting it with a symmetric key, and then putting that key in the Keychain.”
