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ios – 应用程序提交:无效二进制文件 – 无效签名

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-11
我正在尝试向iOS应用商店提交更新.我将从Buzztouch应用程序转到Sprite Kit应用程序.我能够存档 Xcode项目并提交它.该应用程序进入上传已接收状态,但大约一分钟后,它会更改为无效二进制文
我正在尝试向iOS应用商店提交更新.我将从Buzztouch应用程序转到Sprite Kit应用程序.我能够存档 Xcode项目并提交它.该应用程序进入上传已接收状态,但大约一分钟后,它会更改为无效二进制文件,我收到一封电子邮件说:

Invalid Signature – Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose “Clean All” in Xcode, delete the “build” directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target.

Once these issues have been corrected, go to the Version Details page and click “Ready to Upload Binary.” Continue through the submission process until the app status is “Waiting for Upload.” You can then deliver the corrected binary.

我已经清理了构建目录,重建了我的发布目标,并多次创建了新的配置文件.所有代码签名标识都设置为iOS Developer.代码签名和配置文件对我来说总是有点混乱,我本可以犯一些明显的错误.


我唯一能想到的是因为我正在改变Buzztouch应用程序或它是Sprite Kit.


这是我在Mac App Store遇到类似问题时所做的事情:

>重新生成应用程序的分发和开发证书(来自Apple Developer’s Certificates站点).



