我正在使用 Xcode,SpriteKit和 Swift构建我的第一款iPhone游戏.我是这些技术的新手,但我熟悉一般的编程概念. 这是我想用英语做的事情.我希望圈子随机出现在屏幕上,然后开始扩大尺寸.但是
runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever( SKAction.sequence([ SKAction.runBlock(addCircle), SKAction.waitForDuration(3, withRange: 2)] )))
func addCircle() { // Create sprite. let circle = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "grad640x640_circle") circle.name = "circle" circle.xScale = 0.1 circle.yScale = 0.1 // Determine where to position the circle. let posX = random(min: 50, max: 270) let posY = random(min: 50, max: 518) // ***Check to see if position is currently occupied by another circle here. circle.position = CGPoint(x: posX, y: posY) // Add circle to the scene. addChild(circle) // Expand the circle. let expand = SKAction.scaleBy(2, duration: 0.5) circle.runAction(expand) }
在这方面,有几种方法可以帮助您:>(BOOL)intersectsNode:(SKNode *)节点,可与SKNode一起使用,和
> CGRectContainsPoint()以及CGRectContainsRect()方法.
var point: CGPoint var exit:Bool = false while (!exit) { let posX = random(min: 50, max: 270) let posY = random(min: 50, max: 518) point = CGPoint(x: posX, y: posY) var pointFound: Bool = true self.enumerateChildNodesWithName("circle", usingBlock: { node, stop in let sprite:SKSpriteNode = node as SKSpriteNode if (CGRectContainsPoint(sprite.frame, point)) { pointFound = false stop.memory = true } }) if (pointFound) { exit = true } } //point contains CGPoint where no other circle exists //Declare new circle at point