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ios – 与GCDAsyncSocket和AsyncSocket有什么不同?

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-11
一个是GCD,另一个是Runloop?它是抽象的,如何为我的TCP连接选择一个?非常感谢,我只找到如何在 github上使用GCDAsyncSocket,但不知道如何选择一个. 希望这可以帮助你: Even if you’re on iOS o
一个是GCD,另一个是Runloop?它是抽象的,如何为我的TCP连接选择一个?非常感谢,我只找到如何在 github上使用GCDAsyncSocket,但不知道如何选择一个. 希望这可以帮助你:

Even if you’re on iOS only, there will likely be multi-core iOS devices in the near future. And GCD will be an excellent way to take advantage of the additional resources with GCDAsyncSocket


> GCDAsyncSocket的最低要求:Mac OS X 10.6或iOS 4.0
> GCDAsyncSocket比AsyncSocket执行得更好.
>考虑将加密/解密(不是SSL / TLS)卸载到另一个线程上,在我看来,走GCD的方式将是更好的选择.


1. Classic delegate-style support.
    2. It allows allows for parallel socket IO and data processing, as well as easy thread-safety.
    3. Queued non-blocking reads and writes, with optional timeouts.
    4. Automatic support for IPv4 and IPv6.
    5. SSL/TLS support.
    6. Built upon the latest technologies such as queues and GCD.
    7. Self-contained in one class.
    You don't need to muck around with streams or sockets. The class handles all of that.


AsyncSocket库由一个类组成,也称为AsyncSocket. AsyncSocket的实例表示一个套接字,可以是侦听套接字或连接套接字.

>如果您需要在Mac OS X 10.6或iOS 4.0之前支持OS版本,那么您现在需要坚持使用AsyncSocket.
> AsyncSocket提供易于集成的“即发即忘”网络,使您的应用程序可以轻松支持网络.


•   Queued non-blocking reads and writes, with timeouts.
•   Automatic socket acceptance.
•   Delegate support.
•   Run-loop based, not thread based.
•   Self-contained in one class. You do not need to muck around with a collection of stream or socket instances. The class handles all of that.
•   Support for TCP streams. AsyncSocket does not support UDP or multicast sockets.
•   Based on Apple’s own CFSocket and CFStream Carbon APIs.


参考About AsyncSocket
