我正在使用tufte-handout( http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/tufte-latex/sample-handout.pdf)在乳胶中创建一个小报告.我有一个文件代码.我编码为code.tex.下面是我的代码.Rnw: \documentclass[12
\documentclass[12pt,english,nohyper]{tufte-handout} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{geometry} \begin{document} <<include=FALSE>>= library(ggplot2) library(xtable) @ \centerline{\Large\bf This is my Main Title} <<echo=FALSE,results='asis'>>= fname='plot1.pdf' pdf(fname,width=4,height=4) print(qplot(mpg,cyl,data=mtcars)) {dev.off();invisible()} cat(sprintf('\\begin{marginfigure} \\includegraphics[width=0.98\\linewidth]{%s} \\caption{\\label{mar:hist}MPG vs CYL in MTCARS dataset.} \\end{marginfigure}',sub('\\.pdf','',fname))) @ This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. This is the paragraph in my report. \bigskip{} <<echo=FALSE,results='asis'>>= x.big <- xtable(mtcars[1:20,1:4], label ='tab:mtcars',caption ='This is the mtcar dataset head.',align = c("rr|lr|r")) print(x.big, tabular.environment ='longtable', floating = FALSE, include.rownames=FALSE) @ \end{document}
您可以通过将longtable包装在tffte全宽环境中来解决此问题.此解决方法似乎还需要一个小的hack(在第2行)来修复hsize,但它似乎按照预期工作.\begin{fullwidth} \makeatletter\setlength\hsize{\@tufte@fullwidth}\makeatother <<echo=FALSE,results='asis'>>= x.big <- xtable(mtcars[1:20,1:4], label ='tab:mtcars',caption ='This is the mtcar dataset head.',align = c("rr|lr|r")) print(x.big, tabular.environment ='longtable', floating = FALSE, include.rownames=FALSE) @ \end{fullwidth}