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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-16
如何读取Python中的所有Cookie,而不知道他们的名字? 不知道这是你正在寻找的,但这里是一个简单的例子,你将Cookie放在一个cookiejar中并读回来: from urllib2 import Request, build_opener, HTTPCooki
如何读取Python中的所有Cookie,而不知道他们的名字? 不知道这是你正在寻找的,但这里是一个简单的例子,你将Cookie放在一个cookiejar中并读回来:

from urllib2 import Request, build_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor, HTTPHandler
import cookielib

#Create a CookieJar object to hold the cookies
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
#Create an opener to open pages using the http protocol and to process cookies.
opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(cj), HTTPHandler())

#create a request object to be used to get the page.
req = Request("http://www.about.com")
f = opener.open(req)

#see the first few lines of the page
html = f.read()
print html[:50]

#Check out the cookies
print "the cookies are: "
for cookie in cj:
    print cookie