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协议 – 什么是Webcal协议?

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-22
最近我试图从Facebook出口我的朋友的生日名单,在那里我被提供了一个url like- webcal://www.facebook.com/ical/b.php?uid=14422701key=42c5e45fasd 我不知道,这个webcal://协议是什么?有人可以帮我吗我尝试
最近我试图从Facebook出口我的朋友的生日名单,在那里我被提供了一个url like-



Webcal was initiated for use with the Apple iCal application and has become a common de facto standard for accessing iCalendar formatted files via WebDAV.[citation needed] It is not an official URI scheme, such as http: and ftp:, as registered with IANA. The Webcal protocol prefix is used to trigger an external protocol handler which is passed the URL of the .ics file rather than being passed the downloaded contents of the file, in much the same way feed: is sometimes used to trigger external RSS readers. The idea is that with this protocol prefix the target file should be subscribed to rather than imported into the calendar application as would happen with a simple download.

