currentPlayers = {} roundTime = 60 local lookForWinners = coroutine.create(function() while coroutine.running do wait(1) for i, v in pairs(currentPlayers) do if v.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then table.remove(currentPlayers, v) end end end end) while wait() do repeat display("Two or more players need to be in the game.", 1) until #_G.plrs > 1 --Ignore, just checks if two+ players are in game. display("Picking a map...", 3) pickMap() teleport(0, 500, 0) coroutine.resume(lookForWinners) wait(roundTime) print("Round over") coroutine.yield(lookForWinners) endLua是一种单线程语言.协同程序不会导致函数并行执行.
协同程序实际上只是一种方法来创建一个可以暂停自己执行的函数(使用coroutine.yield),可以从外部恢复(使用coroutine.resume). There is no “coroutine.running”:在任何给定时间只有一条线“正在运行”.
local currentPlayers={} local roundTime = 60 while #_G.plrs > 1 do display("Two or more players need to be in the game.", 1) wait() end display("Picking a map...", 3) pickMap() teleport(0, 500, 0) for i=0, roundTime do for i, v in pairs(currentPlayers) do if v.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then table.remove(currentPlayers, v) end end wait(1) end print("Round over")
但是,这是糟糕的代码. (每当你编写代码时,让其中带有“wait”函数的循环用于指示某些内容正在被错误地完成.)你应该使用Roblox的Events来处理游戏的逻辑.