当我运行代码时,它告诉我在’=’附近有一个’)’错误: function restartLvl() for i = 1, #balloonTexts do display.remove(balloonTexts[i]) print ("restart level") end score.text = '0' ballRemain.text = '3' balloonText = {
function restartLvl() for i = 1, #balloonTexts do display.remove(balloonTexts[i]) print ("restart level") end score.text = '0' ballRemain.text = '3' balloonText = {} createBalloons(1, 3) if (askUser.isVisible = true) then --this is the line where the error occured askUser.isVisible = false end if (yesBtn.isVisible = true) then yesBtn.isVisible = false end if (noBtn.isVisible = true) then noBtn.isVisible = false end end
=是赋值运算符,==是测试相等的运算符.将其更改为:if (askUser.isVisible == true) then askUser.isVisible = false end
if askUser.isVisible == true then askUser.isVisible = false end
if askUser.isVisible then askUser.isVisible = false end