我构建了一个Lua Web应用程序,很明显我需要为我的海外客户开始国际化(“i18n”). 在Lua,我的应用程序国际化的最佳方式是什么? 我意识到这是一项重大任务,特别是因为我的一些显示器是
我意识到这是一项重大任务,特别是因为我的一些显示器是在HTML模板中硬编码的,而一些数据字段在我目前以美国 – 英语为导向的数据库中.
编辑:添加了metatable的东西Would someone mind making the example code above a little more clear
local i18n = { locales = {} } local currentLocale = 'en' -- the default language function i18n.setLocale(newLocale) currentLocale = newLocale assert(i18n.locales[currentLocale], ("The locale %q was unknown"):format(newLocale)) end local function translate(id) local result = i18n.locales[currentLocale][id] assert(result, ("The id %q was not found in the current locale (%q)"):format(id, currentLocale) return result end i18n.translate = translate setmetatable(i18n, {__call = function(_,...) return translate(id) end}) return i18n
local i18n = require 'i18n' -- remove this line if on the same file as before i18n.locales.en = { helloWorld = "Hello world", loginWarning = "You need to be logged in to do that" } i18n.locales.es = { helloWorld = "Hola mundo", loginWarning = "Debes haber iniciado una sesión para hacer eso" } ...
local i18n = require 'i18n' require 'locales' -- if using a separate file for the locales, require it too print( i18n.translate('helloWorld') ) -- Hello world i18n.setLocale('es') -- using i18n() instead of i18n.translate() print( i18n('helloWorld') ) -- Hola mundo