我设法通过断开连接修复一些错误,现在每当文件传输CPU使用率变为100%时,我不知道我做错了什么:S ….. const MaxBufferSize = 1024;type TClient = class(TObject) public AContext: TIdContext; FileSize: Integ
const MaxBufferSize = 1024; type TClient = class(TObject) public AContext: TIdContext; FileSize: Integer; Canceled: Boolean; Transfered: Integer; procedure ReceiveData; procedure Update; end; procedure TForm1.IdTCPServer1Execute(AContext: TIdContext); var Data: string; Client: TClient; Item: TListItem; begin Data := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadLn; //Data := 'SEND|785548' = Command + | + FileSize if Copy(Data, 1, 4) = 'SEND' then begin Delete(Data, 1, 5); Client := TClient.Create; Client.FileSize := StrToInt(Data); Client.AContext := AContext; Item := ListView1.Items.Add; Item.Caption := AContext.Connection.Socket.Binding.PeerIP; Item.Data := Client; Client.ReceiveData; end; end; procedure TClient.ReceiveData; var currRead : Integer; FS: TFileStream; begin Canceled := False; FS := TFileStream.Create('C:\Test.dat', fmCreate or fmOpenReadWrite); FS.Size := 0; Transfered := 0; try while (FS.Position < FileSize) and (Athread.Connection.Connected) and (not Canceled) do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if (FileSize - FS.Position) >= MaxBufferSize then currRead := MaxBufferSize else currRead := (FileSize - FS.Position); AThread.Connection.IOHandler.ReadStream(FS, CurrRead); Transfered := FS.Position; Notify.NotifyMethod(Update); Application.ProcessMessages; end; finally FS.Free; AThread.Connection.IOHandler.InputBuffer.Clear; AThread.Connection.Disconnect; AThread.RemoveFromList; Notify.NotifyMethod(Update); Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; procedure TClient.Update; begin //Code to Display Progress bar and stuff (Simplified for now) Form1.Label1.Caption := 'Transfered Data : ' + IntToStr(Transfered); end;摆脱Application.ProcessMessages;它不能在主线程之外的线程下调用