场景是我有一个’主应用’和’帮助应用’. ‘helper app’弹出一个键盘钩子,它是什么东西,然后重新聚焦主应用程序窗口.问题是,如果主应用程序在帮助程序处于活动状态时弹出模式对话
var Wnd: HWND; // handle to 'main app's main form mWnd: HWND; // handle to possible modal form AppWnd: HWND; // handle to hidden Application window begin .. if not IsWindowEnabled(Wnd) then begin // test if there's a modal form AppWnd := GetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_HWNDPARENT); // TApplication window handle mWnd := GetLastActivePopup(AppWnd); // most recently active popup window // restore focus to mWnd end else // restore focus to Wnd