我的应用程序是在Delphi 6中开发的.由于后台处理和大量数据,它是一个资源集成应用程序(它消耗大约60MB – 120MB的物理内存).该应用程序的一个功能是在进行某些处理后创建条形码图像
procedure PrintBitmap(ARect:TRect; Bitmap:TBitmap); var Info: PBitmapInfo; InfoSize: dword{Integer}; Image: Pointer; ImageSize: dword{ integer}; iReturn : integer ; iWidth,iHeight :integer; begin try with Bitmap do begin iReturn := 1; GetDIBSizes( Handle, InfoSize, ImageSize ); GetMem( Info, InfoSize ); try getMem( Image, ImageSize ); try GetDIB(Handle, Palette, Info^, Image^); try with Info^.bmiHeader do begin SetStretchBltMode(Printer.Canvas.handle,HALFTONE); iReturn := **StretchDIBits**(Printer.Canvas.Handle, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right - ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top, 0, 0, biWidth, biHeight, Image, Info^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); end; except on E:Exception do begin gobjLog.pWritetoLog(0,'RptWrks2','PrintBitmap','Exception in StretchDIBits with message '+e.Message); end; end finally FreeMem(Image, ImageSize); end; finally FreeMem(Info, InfoSize); end; end except on E:Exception do begin gobjLog.pWritetoLog(0,'RptWrks2','PrintBitmap','Exception in PrintBitMap with message '+e.Message); end; end;
我们检查了问题在于步骤#2,因为生成的条形码图像没有任何问题. (我们注释掉了步骤#2并将输出作为BMP文件来确认).
>我们包含了SETPROCESSWORKINGSETSIZE WinAPI调用以减少/刷新应用程序使用的当前memry.
该函数只是“读取”条形码并将其填充到一些画布上.如果得到的比例(xFactor = aToRect宽度到条形码宽度)是整数或足够大的实数(对于打印机没问题),可以毫无问题地读取打印的条形码.它也适用于PDF打印机.
您只需要为位图生成100%缩放的条形码(正如您已经做的那样;高度可能是1px;条形码的颜色必须是clBlack)并将其传递给aFromBMP参数.然后aToCanvas将成为您的打印机画布. aToRect是打印机画布中的目标rect. aColor是目标条形码的颜色(可能是一切).
procedure PrintBarCodeFromBitmap(const aFromBMP: TBitmap; const aToCanvas: TCanvas; const aToRect: TRect; const aColor: TColor = clBlack); var I, xStartRect: Integer; xFactor: Double; xColor: TColor; xLastBrush: TBrush; begin xLastBrush := TBrush.Create; try xLastBrush.Assign(aToCanvas.Brush); aToCanvas.Brush.Color := aColor; aToCanvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; xFactor := (aToRect.Right-aToRect.Left)/aFromBMP.Width; xStartRect := -1; for I := 0 to aFromBMP.Width do begin if I < aFromBMP.Width then xColor := aFromBMP.Canvas.Pixels[I, 0] else xColor := clWhite; if (xStartRect < 0) and (xColor = clBlack) then begin xStartRect := I; end else if (xStartRect >= 0) and (xColor <> clBlack) then begin aToCanvas.FillRect( Rect( Round(aToRect.Left+xStartRect*xFactor), aToRect.Top, Round(aToRect.Left+I*xFactor), aToRect.Bottom)); xStartRect := -1; end; end; finally aToCanvas.Brush.Assign(xLastBrush); xLastBrush.Free; end; end;