拜托,我现在试图解决这个“问题”超过12个小时……而且几乎要疯了!我认为不可能使用Delphi和Synapse( http://synapse.ararat.cz)同时发送与收件人(目的地)相同的电子邮件.拜托,有人告诉我,我
sEmails := 'email1@test.com.br;email2@teste.com.br';
dSMTP := TSMTPSend.Create; dSMsg := TMimeMess.Create; Try With dSMsg, Header Do Begin Date := Now; Priority := mp_Normal; CharsetCode := ISO_8859_1; From := 'email@gmail.com'; ToList.Delimiter := ';'; ToList.DelimitedText := sEmails; Subject := 'Message Subject'; dPart := AddPartMultipart('mixed', nil); AddPartHTML('<h1>Message Text</h1>', dPart); EncodeMessage; end; With dSMTP Do Begin TargetHost := 'smtp.gmail.com'; TargetPort := '587'; AutoTLS := True; UserName := 'email@gmail.com'; Password := 'password'; Try If Login Then Begin If MailFrom('email@gmail.com', Length('email@gmail.com')) Then If MailTo(sEmails) Then MailData(dSMsg.Lines); Logout; end; Except On E: Exception Do ShowMessage(E.Message); end; end; Finally dSMsg.Free; dSMTP.Free; end;
If Login Then Begin If MailFrom('email@gmail.com', Length('email@gmail.com')) Then If MailTo(dSMsg.Header.ToList[0]) Then MailData(dSMsg.Lines); Logout; end;
根据 documentation forSendTo
Send “Maildata” (text of e-mail without any SMTP headers!) from “MailFrom” e-mail address to “MailTo” e-mail address with “Subject”. (If you need more then one receiver, then separate their addresses by comma).
sEMails := 'joe@gmail.com,fred@gmail.com,mary@gmail.com'; .... if MailTo(sEMails) then MailData(dSMsg.Lines);
// Declare i as an integer variable, and post all the send to addresses // one at a time to the MailTo() function for i := 0 to dSMsg.Header.ToList.Count - 1 do MailTo(dMsg.Header.ToList[i]); // Now send the mail body MailData(dSMsg.Lines)
IMO,Synapse SMTP支持水平太低,无法轻易使用,除非您出于某种原因特别需要低级支持. Indy(预装Delphi)和ICS都提供了更简单的SMTP实现,既支持文本和HTML电子邮件以及MIME编码附件,又支持使用gmail所需的TLS.