我需要将存储在一个字节数组中的数据移动到位于TList中的一组记录,但是我收到了这个错误 E2197 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter 此代码重现了该问题. uses System.Generics.Collections,
E2197 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter
uses System.Generics.Collections, System.SysUtils; type TData = record Age : Byte; Id : Integer; end; //this code is only to show the issue, for simplicity i'm filling only the first //element of the TList but the real code needs fill N elements from a very big array. var List : TList<TData>; P : array [0..1023] of byte; begin try List:=TList<TData>.Create; try List.Count:=1; //here i want to move the content of the P variable to the element 0 Move(P[0],List[0], SizeOf(TData)); finally List.Free; end; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.
在XE2中,TList的内部存储器< T>.是不透明和隐藏的.您无法通过正常方式访问它.将复制对列表元素的所有访问 – 对底层存储的引用不可用.所以你不能使用Move搞定它.如果你想要一个可以blit的结构,你应该考虑一个动态数组TArray< T>.你可以随时使用为TList实现类助手的技巧< TData>这会暴露私有变量FItems.这非常hacky但会做你要求的.
type __TListTData = TList<TData>; //defeat E2086 Type 'TList<T>' is not yet completely defined type TListTDataHelper = class helper for TList<TData> procedure Blit(const Source; Count: Integer); end; procedure TListTDataHelper.Blit(const Source; Count: Integer); begin System.Move(Source, Pointer(FItems)^, Count*SizeOf(Self[0])); end;
如果您使用的是XE3,则可以访问TList< T>的私人存储空间.使用List
Move(P, Pointer(List.List)^, N*SizeOf(List[0]));
type PData = ^TData; var i: Integer; Ptr: PData; .... List.Count := N; Ptr := PData(@P); for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do begin List[i] := Ptr^; inc(Ptr); end;